Viewing User Profile for: susan
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Joined: 07-16-2005 04:34 PM
Last Login: 11-03-2005 01:35 PM
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susan has contributed to 2 out of 7,774 total posts (0.03% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
walk for life 10/17/2005 5:59:39 PM   (Total replies: 1)
we are starting to enter walkers and pledges for our walk. I do not see how you can enter a pledge for a certain walker on the activity form. The sponsoring field says unknown and is not allowing us to add to change it. Our walk is Saturday, so we could use help ASAP please!

Enter walk info 7/16/2005 4:41:43 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Can we use Centerpiece to track walk pledges per walker, send billing to walker sponsors, track whether pledges are honored. If so, can you give detail explanation how?

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