Create a new account
If you already have a username and password, please login here.
CenterPiece Customers!
  • To post questions to the forums you need to create a new account here.
  • This account is separate from your CenterPiece user ID.
  • For security purposes, it it recommendend that the username you enter here is different from your CenterPiece user ID.
About your Username and Password:
  • Your username will be used as your handle within the site.
  • You will sign on with your username.
  • Your username and password will be sent to the email address specified below, which you can then use to login.
  • Important: You can change your password once you login under your Profile.
  • Important: The email you enter is not public, shared in anyway, or displayed on this site.
Desired Username:
(use your firstname, lastname or any nickname/alias you prefer)

Email Address:
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