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Joined: 03-26-2007 02:28 PM
Last Login: 07-22-2010 03:26 PM
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munchkin has contributed to 31 out of 7,774 total posts (0.40% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Re: Center Program Stats 2/9/2011 5:30:44 PM   (Total replies: 1)
We are encountering some significant inconsistencies in the client program statistics report. For example when we draw the report by program type, it tells us that 14 women have received post-abortion support. This just isn't the case....and when we drill down on that number 14, several of the clients that show up have never even had abortions, let alone post abortion support. Can you provide any direction here?

Re: zip code statistics 7/22/2010 3:29:38 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Stats by Canadian postal code would still be helpful. I could see where it might not be as helpful in a large Canadian city but we are in a small city serving a large rural area. Sorting our clients by postal code would be VERY helpful so we can evaluate our impact on outlying communities. I know that programs such as Excel can sort our postal codes in alpha-numeric order... I'm just wondering if you could work this into eKyros for us Canadians.

zip code statistics 7/25/2007 4:23:10 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I've tried pulling statistics reports to sort donors (or clients) by zip code. Only problem is, we're a Canadian Centre, and it doesn't seem like the statistics will sort our postal codes (which, of course, include numbers and letters). Any ideas if/how this could be changed?

Care Net Client Statistical Report- Already Christian 1/15/2010 3:52:59 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hello :) We are compiling our 2009 stats, and most numbers seem to be coming up correctly. One is confusing: Near the end of the report (#72, I believe) there is a field for "how many clients were already Christians?". The number we get there is very different from last year. I pulled a client case statistic with the measure of religion, and the number of clients reporting that they are Christians is drastically different. When I looked up the CareNet report user guide, there were ...

Re: Care Net Client Statistical Report- Already Christian 1/15/2010 4:35:42 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Thanks Ashleigh!'re right,it's number #86. #72 is the corresponding number on the CAPSS statistical report for us Canadians, and that's why I got confused. Thanks for the information- it's making sense now. Bless you! Munckin (Monica)

Re: Pregnancy Outcome Statistics 1/7/2010 4:26:18 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I have encountered a discrepancy with pregnancy outcome statistics. When I run the Center Productivity report and view Pregnancy Outcomes, I see that there are 48 births recorded for 2009. When I pull the corresponding statistic (Client Case Statistic\pregnancyoutcome) I get the number 25 for births recorded in 2009. I'm assuming that other stats may not be lining up either...and am a bit concerned.

Re: Pregnancy Outcome Statistics 1/7/2010 5:28:40 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I totally missed the "time column". Thanks!

Re: Pregnancy Outcome Statistics 1/7/2010 5:32:31 PM   (Total replies: 1)
another question, though... I tried pulling the same report with "Date outcome recorded" and my numbers are way off. I realise they will be different to an extent, but the numbers seem really off. Thanks for all your help!

Re: Blocking access to client files 1/7/2010 3:16:32 PM   (Total replies: 1)
In relation to that particular question... We don't use the appointment book in eKyros because we don't want people booking appointments to have access to all client files in the database. I've asked in the I'll bring it up again. :) Is there a possibility that we could create user accounts that can only access the appointment book?

Re: Adding New Reasons for This Visits 7/15/2009 5:54:45 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I agree that the "Primary Reason For Visit" should either be editable, or I would request that "Adoption Help" or "Post Adoption Help", and "Closets/Boutiques" be added. We are really trying to focus on improving our adoption advocacy with clients, as well as our post adoption help... but that's not reflected here. And... we need to know if clients are primarily coming for material supports or not. This would be the easiest way to track it, I think.

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