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Joined: 05-21-2008 11:37 AM
Last Login: 07-30-2010 11:17 AM
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Melissa has contributed to 36 out of 7,774 total posts (0.46% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Zip Code Export to Excel 4/23/2009 10:12:51 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Good morning! In NJ, the zip codes begin with "0". When I create a spreadsheet that includes zip codes, I need to format that column as "text", then type in the zips. Because I'm exporting to a new spreadsheet from e-Kyros, I cannot pre-format the zip column, but there are too many to add the "0's" manually. How do you suggest I can solve this problem when I need a spreadsheets with zip codes? Thank you for your help! Melissa

Re: Zip Code Export to Excel 4/23/2009 10:41:10 AM   (Total replies: 0)
I'm so sorry I did not clarify. Excel leaves the first "0" our of the zip code when it is downloaded to a spreadsheet.

Re: Zip Code Export to Excel 4/23/2009 10:51:54 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Here is an example: Morristown, NJ's zip is 07960. When I export info onto an Excel spreadsheet from e-Kyros, it posts the zip as: 7960 I lose the "0" because it's the first digit. I can call you if you would prefer to go over this. Youc an let me know. Melissa :)

Re: Zip Code Export to Excel 4/24/2009 6:18:12 AM   (Total replies: 1)
We're all a bit dazed and confused!! :) When I'm in Reports, there are times I need to create a spreadsheet for mailing purposes, or just for our own info. For example, right now we are preparing for Golf 09, so I need a spreadsheet for each past Golfer of their past sponsors, including the sponsors mailing address. I go to the Report tab and create a report, then where you have the Export To tab, I select Excel, then Go. I'm in the office today until 2 if you need to reach me: ...

Deleting Donation Receipts 7/30/2010 11:21:16 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi, I was wondering if there was a more direct way to delete a Donation Receipt. Rather than scrolling through the different pages of the receipts printed, can I search for it on the Receipting Tab? Sometimes I have a couple hundred receipts in one printing--depending on the time of year, even though I print receipts weekly. I hope you have a more direct way. What I would LOVE to see is the ability to not have to take the step of deleting the receipt before I adjust a donation. That ...

Additional "Print Receipts" Optioins 12/8/2009 7:59:52 AM   (Total replies: 1)
We are having more and more donors request speciffic Donation Receipts. Some want them sent via email, others through the mail--but not after each donation, still others want to just receive receipts--but not additional mailings. In the future, would you be able to add additional check boxes, other than "hold" on the General page? Some suggestions might include: Electronic Mail Only, Donation Receipts Only: after each donation, quarterly, etc...

Copy/Paste--New Letters 10/30/2009 9:24:08 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi, again! :) I'm hoping you can tell me why when I copy a new letter from a Word document into New Letters in e-Kyros, it pastes additional information that was not typed on the Word document? I'm going to include a copy of the latest example of this below. Please send me your thoughts, so I don't have to keep going back and deleting sections of the letter. Also me know if you have any additional questions. Thanks! Melissa EXAMPLE: Dear {DearName}, On October ...

Re: Copy/Paste--New Letters 10/30/2009 9:50:03 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Ok, thanks.

Year To Date Total Donations 10/26/2009 12:19:15 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I sent out our Donation Receipts for our Banquet, that was held two weeks ago, last week. Over the week-end, I've had donors call b/c their Year To Date Totals do not reflect their actual giving. When I run independent Donation Receipts, the total amount is correct. The Donation Receipts' criteria selected under "Event" was "Banquet09" vs. "All", which was the only varience. We ran a speciffic "Event" b/c all of our donations in that week period (last week) were not from "Banquet", so ...

Re: Year To Date Total Donations 10/27/2009 8:22:23 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Ok, thank you.

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