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Joined: 08-01-2005 10:17 PM
Last Login: 02-15-2006 09:01 PM
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lihtbeam has contributed to 10 out of 7,774 total posts (0.13% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Carenet Report 2/15/2006 9:06:49 PM   (Total replies: 1)
We are at the time that our Carenet report is due I ran the report and have come up with some item that do not seem right. Example: Under how many new material service cases showed 0 and Number oftotal material services showed 0 are we enetering something the wrong way that it is not showing up on the report? Also # of women who recieved pregnancy otpions /parernting counseling? Has 0 also. We show only 9 young ladies as abortion volunerable that seems very low to me. How can we work ...

Re: Christian Status 11/10/2005 4:56:22 PM   (Total replies: 1)
we have run into this same problem. It seems that the bottom section of this form should e on another form maybe. Such as I to be able to record all of this imformation and the counselors involved instead of having to write a lot of notes. Susan

translating 11/10/2005 5:01:48 PM   (Total replies: 1)
How do we make our forms so they can be translated into other languages specifically spanish. I know they are in word but I do not have the word CD to translate is that the only way? Susan

Re: Upcoming CenterPiece Update 8/28/2005 1:39:53 PM   (Total replies: 0)
The update sounds great still having fun learning :) I was wondering on the intial visit form it says their is only one per client. But say the client is married the first visit then comes back in and is now divorces then in say a year she is remarried it is difficult to keep track of that because we can only go by the last known lifestyle. Is the only way to keep track of that by marking in the notes section? Also I seem to run into a problem with the drop down box on the inital visit ...

Re: Small Type 8/14/2005 9:56:42 AM   (Total replies: 1)
I am using AOL at this time so is their a place I can fix that you may know of?

Small Type 8/13/2005 11:06:49 PM   (Total replies: 1)
When i go to look at the Threads on this page i have to open every one of them to read them because I can not read the print in that first page. It is very little is there another way i can see them bigger so I can check my thread without having to check all of them. Thanks Susan Cole

follow up 8/13/2005 11:23:04 PM   (Total replies: 1)
When I was flagging our clients for follow up there was this great dialog box that gave me room to write a note. I thought that was for the volunteer so that when I printed out their follow up sheets for the clients they had a short little note with it. But when I did that the note was not on it. Is there a way to get the note to them. thanks Susan

Re: follow up 8/14/2005 9:55:15 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Yes Brian that did help I just thought I would get all the information such as their phone and all with the notes so I am not creating more paper monsters. Thanks for the help.

Abstinence Pledge 8/13/2005 11:16:29 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Hello me again Just wanted to know if it would bepossible to add a section like you have for Gospel presented but add a little bit more to it. Example: Gospel Presented ____ Yes ____No Repsonse ___already a christian ______salvation decision ____ not ready ____prayed together______ not interested. Then if we could add Chastity Presented ___ Yes _____ No Response ____ made a pledge ___ interested but no pledge____ not interested These stats could be used in many ways ...

Test Form 8/13/2005 10:56:16 PM   (Total replies: 0)
I was wondering if under question #4 about symptoms could you add cramps, headaches, missed period? Also on #5 it sems that the person who did stats for me the last time assumed that if the client was not using any type of birth control that they should click other. I was wondering if you could put in NONE. On the general info page I was wondering why it says under ok to contact: By phone only or By mail only I thinkit may be easier to just have: By mail By phone * cell ...

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