04-23-2009 01:41 PM
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Event totals
4/23/2009 1:48:13 PM
(Total replies: 1)
This may be a very easy answer but I need to triple check...
We recently had our fundraising banquet and the results were excellent. I've had to look at our numbers numerous times to be sure the final total is accurate. Am I right to add the total donations plus the pledges that have not been received yet to find the total money raised? Therefore, if our donations are $15,000 and pledges not received yet is $5,000, our total money raised would be $20,000. Or are the pledges not received ... |
Re: Event totals
4/23/2009 2:21:19 PM
(Total replies: 1)
When I look at the events page I see "Total Pledged" and "Total Donations". To my understanding, when a pledge has been received, it is added to the total donations. How do I find out exactly how much money has been raised through the donations and pledges? I hope I am making sense.
I'm still so new to EKyros I want to make sure I'm reading the results accuratley. I have found the pledge reports listing those who have made pledges and out of those, which ones have been received. Do I ... |
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