Viewing User Profile for: Jane61
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Joined: 01-10-2006 05:00 PM
Last Login: 12-31-2007 01:45 PM
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Jane61 has contributed to 10 out of 7,774 total posts (0.13% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Yearend Donations 12/31/2007 1:49:47 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Our office is closed until Jan 2. There will be donations that are postmarked 2007...will the system let me backdate these donations? Thank you! God Bless!! Jane

Donor Reciepts 9/5/2007 3:58:35 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Our Batch Receipts Report's are dropping down and printing off the bottom of the page. The last couple lines of the address is printing on a second page. We have tried to take out some spaces to make it work, but the system won't let us do that. Can you help? Blessings, Jane

Non Donor's on list 10/24/2006 5:45:16 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I need to know how to run a report for those people in our data base who are non doners. I've tried several ways but to no avail. Thank you! Jane

Re: Non Donor's on list 10/25/2006 5:20:00 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Sorry I was not clear in asking. We have several people in our data base that have made a small donation a long time ago. They have been getting our newsletter etc, but have not shown any interest for 1 1/2-2 years. It is expensive to have material printed and put postage on, for them if they are not interested. Thank you!

Re: Mail Merge Instructions for LABELS in Word 2002/2003 4/28/2006 8:07:54 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Sarah, I don't think I ever told you THANK YOU for getting this info to us. It has been a great help. You guys are so good about finding the solutions we need to issues we have. Thanks a bunch! Jane

Labels 3/9/2006 3:06:58 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I need help running labels from our donor database. Thanks! Jane

Re: Labels 3/9/2006 5:03:44 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Sarah, Yes to both:) We want the whole data base. Also would be good to know how to do just a partial. We want to send out a newsletter. All active donors would be included. Thanks Jane

Donor Receipts 2/11/2006 5:53:22 PM   (Total replies: 1)
What a surprise I got when I did my batch receipts this week. Thank you for the work you have done on that portion of the system. My receipts were so much easier to print. I APPRECIATE IT! THANK YOU!! Jane

Pledges 1/10/2006 5:02:53 PM   (Total replies: 2)
This being the new year, we are entering new pledges. I set one up, put in a check received, it did not go over to the pledged amount in the "grey box"..What did I do wrong? Thanks!

Re: Pledges 1/10/2006 5:33:37 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Thank you! I knew I was leaving something off! Thanks for your quick reply, also! Jane61

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