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Joined: 08-11-2005 08:12 AM
Last Login: 07-19-2006 02:04 PM
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cogilmore has contributed to 4 out of 7,774 total posts (0.05% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Pregnancy Test Forms 2/8/2006 3:45:33 PM   (Total replies: 3)
Brian, I was trying to update our forms today so they would correspond with the new Centerpiece updates. I successfully changed the Client Contact Form, but I had a question regarding the Pregnancy Test Form and the Office Use Only form. The PT form didn't look complete, and there was no where on either the PT form or the OUO form for the test outcome (+/-), due date, assessment of intentions (is that on the other form?). Do I just need to cut and paste from my old PT form onto the new ...

Pregnancy History 12/8/2005 5:42:29 PM   (Total replies: 0)
I just read a thread regarding how to report the pregnancy histories for a child who is deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown, etc. This information would be helpful to be able to post alongside of the date of birth, name, weight, etc. If there is an update that could be made to accomodate this, it would be wonderful. As I was entering old files today, I came across several clients whose children have died and I had to enter it in another place, one that a volunteer might not think to ...

Another ? About Client Zip Codes 8/19/2005 9:44:44 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Brian, Thank you for responding to my question about why a zip code would show unknown. After there continued to be a growing number of unknown zip codes, I decided to investigate further. What I found was that it was acknowledging two of my town's zip codes, but not a third. For instance, it takes notice of 27203,27204, but not 27205. Any idea why that might be? Thanks! Caroline

Client Zip Code Report 8/11/2005 8:18:45 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Brian I pulled up a zip code report today and it showed 36 clients were from an unknown zip code. Any reason other than faulty data entry why it would show unknown? Thanks, Caroline

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