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Joined: 04-18-2005 09:36 AM
Last Login: 10-27-2022 09:09 AM
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cathyb has contributed to 2 out of 7,774 total posts (0.03% of total).
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Re: creating authorization to release info for mobile intake 3/24/2020 10:50:32 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hello optionsnj, Thanks for reaching out with your question. Yes, you are correct that the consent forms are simply read and sign disclosures that allow the client to confirm they read and agree with the content by checking the first box, then enter their name and check the second box indicating that they understand it is a legal signature. Eventually, we will be opening up the intake forms to add custom questions. An emergency contact and/or the authorized person they designate to ...

Re: creating authorization to release info for mobile intake 3/24/2020 11:07:02 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Your welcome! Cathy

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