Viewing User Profile for: Vangee
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Joined: 04-07-2011 01:52 PM
Last Login: 04-07-2011 01:53 PM
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Vangee has contributed to 3 out of 7,774 total posts (0.04% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Re: Text line 4/14/2011 1:54:33 PM   (Total replies: 1)
that's really interesting. Google voice, I think I will look into that too. So it texts the client, but really you can text them from your computer? Thanks for this info.

File #'s 4/7/2011 1:56:41 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I am very new to inputing all the clients to ekyros, and was wondering why there are large gaps in the file #'s, between each client? Thank you...

Re: File #'s 4/7/2011 4:52:43 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Thank you!

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