Viewing User Profile for: Melbourne_Director
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Joined: 11-13-2018 01:36 PM
Last Login: 11-13-2018 01:37 PM
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Melbourne_Director has contributed to 1 out of 7,774 total posts (0.01% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Make File ID # Visible in Physician Sign Off 11/13/2018 1:42:50 PM   (Total replies: 2)
It's our procedure to only refer to client files by the File ID. However it was recently brought to our attention by our Ultrasound Director that this is not helpful for him as in the list he views when doing the physician sign-off, there is no File ID listed. I checked and this is indeed the case. It would be very useful to be able to refer to client's by their File ID when we are communicating with him in order to preserve patient confidentiality. Is there a reason File ID numbers are not ...

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