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Joined: 12-04-2009 04:02 PM
Last Login: 09-25-2023 03:37 PM
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LisaPenney has contributed to 16 out of 7,774 total posts (0.21% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Virtual Online Visit 1/15/2021 4:48:26 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi there, Thanks for adding the "viritual online visit" check box to the Case Visit form! I was wondering if there's already a way to pull out all the visits that have that box checked, or if that's something that might be coming down the line? I looked in Statistics and Reports, but I couldn't find a way to get the number of online visits we did last year. In addition to knowing how many, we'd sure like to know how many clients who were served virtually also came in for in-person ...

Error messages on Pregnancy test and Sonogram forms 2/24/2015 1:12:39 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi there, We are getting a funny error message when we try to save/close pregnancy test and Sonogram forms. This is the message: Pregnancy Test form: xxxxxxxxxxx Sonogram form: xxxxxxxxxxx Seems like the other forms (Referrals, Concepts Shared) are working fine. Any ideas? Thanks, Lisa

Re: Error messages on Pregnancy test and Sonogram forms 2/24/2015 2:49:37 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Super! Thanks for being so quick!

Christmas Outreach List 11/21/2013 4:08:24 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi friends, I thought it might be fastest to just ask you experts about this idea I had. We'd like to get in touch with clients who were seen this year who either 1) were pregnant and had a last known intent to parent or 2) were negative but have other kids (this is my pie-in-the-sky wish, haha!) Is there a way to run a report like that which would include their email, phone number (and ideally, whether we have permission to email or text them)? I'm wanting to "cast a net" ...

Resources Shared between offices 1/25/2012 11:58:32 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi ekyros friends, Our center has four locations and a few resources that are shared between all the locations (namely, our Nurse and our Counselor). We are wishing that there was a way to easily show that if the Nurse is booked in Office A, she's unavailable at Offices B, C, & D. Or even a way to see all the offices' schedule for a day side by side...that would help. I don't know if this comes up for others, but I thought I'd put it out there. Any suggestions you have would be ...

Re: Resources Shared between offices 1/27/2012 11:26:00 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Yup, that's the idea. Righ now office B has to open all the other schedules to make sure there's not a 10am already scheduled, which as you can imagine takes some time and also is prone to errors. And like I said, a side-by-side view of all the centers' schedules for one day would also allow us to more easily see that there's only one nurse appt per time slot. We've also talked about buying another "center" license and just using it for our traveling "resources" but it seems like there ...

Re: Resources Shared between offices 2/1/2012 8:56:28 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Thanks, Ashleigh, that is the solution we've been leaning toward. I appreciate your input!

False positives or negatives 1/6/2012 3:52:23 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi friends, Just wondering how others handle the very occasional occurance of a test at the center that turns out to be wrong. For example a client comes in within two weeks of an abortion, and we think her positive test may be hormones remaining from the aborted pregnancy. Set the outcome to "Non Pregnancy" and explain in the note? Or the negative client who says "I never get a positive test until I'm 3 months pregnant" and later reports that her blood test came up positive. If she ...

Re: Appointment Status Font Color 12/22/2011 8:27:23 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi, Just wanted to chime in that I received the same suggestion from someone today. For us it would be especially helpful if appts that are canceled or rescheduled could be greyed out or otherwise differentiated from active appts. Thanks for considering it! Merry Christmas! Lisa

Use CenterPiece from mobile devices? 7/19/2011 3:49:52 PM   (Total replies: 2)
Hi friends, I may have already mentioned this (sorry!) but some folks at our center would really love to be able to check CenterPiece on their mobile whatevers. We have several offices and especially for part-timers and/or people who travel a lot, the ability to check the schedule on the go would be valuable. As I understand it the main problem is that the mobile devices use a different browser than IE. If anyone has suggestions for getting around that on the /device/ end, I'd be happy to ...

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