Viewing User Profile for: KathyE
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Joined: 09-29-2018 08:04 PM
Last Login: 11-04-2018 01:12 PM
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KathyE has contributed to 2 out of 7,774 total posts (0.03% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Re: recurring clients 9/30/2018 8:39:01 AM   (Total replies: 1)
I have a question about setting up a case. I've recently started volunteering at a pregnancy center who uses ekyros. I've been taught how to input to the program. I have viewed some of your training videos. This center currently sets up a new case for each visit. It's my understanding that you don't set up a new case until there is a pregnancy related change event. Will this cause a problem. Some of the clients have 14 cases or more. Is there a limit to cases that can be set up for one client. ...

Online Tutorials 10/8/2018 1:12:34 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hello. I'm watching your tutorials and some have sound and some don't. Is this correct or is it a problem with my computer. Thanks

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