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Joined: 04-23-2007 01:18 PM
Last Login: 02-24-2023 12:55 PM
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Farmom has contributed to 27 out of 7,774 total posts (0.35% of total).
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Tags 3/9/2022 9:31:38 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Is there a way to tag donors that give to a certain project(s) and then filter them out for mailings or reports?

Re: Tags 3/9/2022 9:44:15 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Can you apply more than one category to a person?

Re: Tags 3/9/2022 9:53:26 AM   (Total replies: 0)
You would think I would know all the Donor stuff by now but haven't had a use for it until recently. Thank you, Brian!

Re: Tags 3/9/2022 10:12:40 AM   (Total replies: 1)
One last question about categories, or maybe two, is there any way to add a category to a big list of people? Is there a specific place to access categories, or is it just through each donor file to make any changes?

Re: Tags 3/9/2022 10:48:03 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hello Ashleigh! I use Event for things like memorials, prayers, etc, and then in the comment I put who the memorial is for. We receive a lot of intentions like that. So I can easily filter those out by event. I want to create them for groups such as specific fundraisers that we have. But not too many categories at this point. One of them has about 1000 names on it. So that is why I ask if there is a way to make this group at one time, instead of one by one. I am not sure if I will make ...

Re: Tags 3/9/2022 10:53:34 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Thank you Brian, I will think about that! Susan

Snowbirds 4/1/2016 6:42:58 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hello all! I am wondering if there is an easy way to help with this problem (and its not really a problem). Our maternity home is in North Dakota. We have quite a few "snowbirds" on our donor database. In the winter they go south for the winter. We don't always get their second home addresses, so we put them on hold mail. Is there any easy way to "batch" hold mail a specific group? I know the answer is probably no. It would be great to be able to toggle a certain group on or off. Thank ...

Re: Snowbirds 4/1/2016 7:05:00 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I am probly not explaining myself very well. I am familiar with the basic hold mail options. I think I am trying to ask if there is any way to single out a specific group within the hold mail group. Our hold mail group is very broad containing churches, companies, church groups, etc. I suppose I could keyword it somewhere so I could run the hold mail report and see a keyword indicating that that person is a "snowbird". Does this make sense?

Donations 10/7/2014 1:58:21 PM   (Total replies: 3)
Hello, I am wondering if there is any way that I can search out donors who have not given ever? I tried looking through the reports and didn't think there was a report. Thank you! Susan

Re: Donations 10/7/2014 2:27:21 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Thank you Ashleigh, I will try this out!

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