Viewing User Profile for: Denise_PCN
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Joined: 12-10-2012 04:45 PM
Last Login: 12-17-2012 02:55 PM
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Denise_PCN has contributed to 2 out of 7,774 total posts (0.03% of total).
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Client Management Report Downloads 12/17/2012 1:19:12 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I've noticed that when using Firefox I can run reports on the Client Management tab but when I export them they are in a format that can't be opened by Excel or Word.

Re: Client Management Report Downloads 12/17/2012 2:56:34 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Brian! Thanks for responding. Of course now it seems to be working. :( Last week I tried it multiple times and couldn't get it to work. So thank you anyway.

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