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Joined: 08-19-2008 09:40 AM
Last Login: 09-16-2015 10:12 AM
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Delaine has contributed to 48 out of 7,774 total posts (0.62% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Femur Length in US Report 4/13/2016 10:01:42 AM   (Total replies: 1)
My nurse manager indicates that the BPD measurement is sometimes hard to obtain because of fetal movement or position. Our medical director said we can use "femur length" as a measurement. The sonographers have requested a field be added to the measurements section. Is this possible? Thanks

LGBT 4/12/2016 1:03:09 PM   (Total replies: 1)
We are seeing an increase of clients who are bi-sexual or gay. Just wondering if e-Kyros is planning to address this in the case form or other statistical area. We live in a military town and often get asked to have a pregnancy test performed so they can have proof non-pregnancy. Then, during the consult, it is learned they aren't even having "straight" sex because of lesbianism. While entering these types of cases it was tricky regarding intentions, etc. Recently I put "n/a" however that ...

appointment reminders for cancelled & rescheduled appointments 12/30/2015 2:27:54 PM   (Total replies: 1)
When sending the bulk appointment text reminders, previous rescheduled and cancelled appointments are being sent as well. These should be automatically exempted from the text list.

Client Pictures 9/16/2015 10:16:24 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Thank you for adding the link for client pictures. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a place to upload subsequent pictures, i.e. babies. We have lots of girls who send us photos or stop in to show off their baby. We always take pictures and I would love to attach the picture of the baby to their file but I don't want that to be their "profile" picture. Thanks.

Middle Initial & Delete File 8/13/2014 9:23:44 AM   (Total replies: 1)
1. The most recent update moved the "spouse" field where the old "middle initial" field used to be. Could we reverse these. Very rarely do we have a spouse to enter for a client and it is quicker to tab down to the middle initial following the client's name instead of skipping past the spouse. 2. "Delete File" Please add an "are you sure" question to this field. I'm concerned that it might accidentally be clicked and we will lose all information. Thanks for your consideration.

father of baby statistics 2/10/2014 1:28:49 PM   (Total replies: 2)
My director just noticed a report from CareNet saying that we are to begin tracking whether the father of the baby is boyfriend, husband, fiancé, friend, other or unknown. CareNet says it will be a required response to their affiliation renewal form beginning 2015. In light of this, can you add a place on the pregnancy test form to give that indication?

events 1/16/2014 9:47:28 AM   (Total replies: 1)
I'm entering donations received from pledges at our past banquet. When I enter the event, the next tab is the host for the event. Before the recent update, the specific donor was linked to that table host. Now I have to select from all table hosts. I can't possibly remember, nor do I desire to refer to a list each time to see who was at a specific table. My board wants to know how certain hosts "perform" and the results of their table. This tool was very helpful. Please change it back to ...

Re: events 1/16/2014 10:14:42 AM   (Total replies: 2)
Thank you! Also, with the letters and the signature block - I haven't been able to import a signature. And the spacing seems to be set to double space. :-(

Re: events 1/16/2014 10:38:21 AM   (Total replies: 2)
That worked for the signature block - thanks. Now if we could get that double space thing corrected.... ;-)

Re: events 1/16/2014 10:51:50 AM   (Total replies: 1)
thanks - the shift-enter key worked :-)

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