Joined: 04 Mar 2005 |
Total Posts: 17 |
Client Statistics & Reports Posted: 08 Aug 2005 02:13 PM |
We are having a major problem reconciling the numbers on the Center Productivity Report as well as Client Statistics forms with our actual client numbers.
How are the "Return" clients quantified? Where is this data being pulled from? How do you determine the difference between "New" and "Return" clients?
If a client is listed for an intial visit in July as well as having attended four group classes in July, is she going to be counted five times under "Total Visit Types"? Please explain how this works.
There are many more categories in which we are having similar problems (pregnancy tests, intentions, etc.) reconciling our numbers. We really need to have accurate reports. Maybe it would help me understand it better if I could work through some of this over the phone with you. Please let me know if that would be possible for you.
Thank you for your time,
Sheena McAdoo |
Re: Client Statistics & Reports Posted: 09 Aug 2005 09:03 AM |
Hi smcadoo,
Here's how client visits are calculated:
The services recorded on the earliest date in the activity list are NEW visits.
Any follow-on services recorded after that date are RETURN visits.
All services recorded on the same date, are considered 1 client served.
Sally is a new client and receives counseling and a pregnancy test on 8/1/2005.
the following forms are entered:
1) Initial Visit form (8/1/2005)
2) Concepts Shared form (8/1/2005)
3) Pregnanncy test form (8/1/2005)
Notice all forms above have the same *date of visit* (8/1/2005). Even though 3 forms are entered, the system counts it as 1 Client Served for the 8/1 date. Since 8/1 is the earliest date of visit, the visit is considered a NEW visit.
Two weeks later Sally comes in form some additional counseling. The following forms are entered:
1) Concepts Shared (8/15/2005)
2) Individual Education Class (8/15/2005)
Even though 2 forms are entered, the system counts it as 1 Client Served for the 8/15 date. Since 8/15 is *not* the earliest date of visit, the visit is considered a RETURN visit.
You can always drill-down in the statistics to view the clients that make up the numbers.
Hope that helps.
Joined: 04 Mar 2005 |
Total Posts: 17 |
Re: Client Statistics & Reports Posted: 16 Aug 2005 03:09 PM |
Thanks for your answers. I have a couple more questions for you.
1. In the Statistics report for Client Appointments: On the Drilldown page, under the "Staff/Vol Name" column, what is the number in parenthesis for?
2. In the Statistics report for Client Activity: How are you quantifying the "Pregnancy Test" numbers? Does this number include only the pregnancy tests performed at the Center? Or does it include the tests performed at the Center plus the "POP" preg. tests?
We performed only a total of 25 pregnancy tests in July (for all locations). However, the Statistics/Client Activity report lists a total of 46 pregnancy tests. Can you explain this?
Thank you!
Sheena McAdoo
Re: Client Statistics & Reports Posted: 16 Aug 2005 04:57 PM |
The number is the Staff/Volunteer's unique FileID. This is required because sometimes center's mistakenly enter duplicate staff/volunteers or in rare occasions have twoe with the same first and last name at their center. So by adding the number, it will help you differentiate any duplicate names.
Great question. The pregnancy test numbers in the Client Activity statistics report on *all* pregnancy tests (regardless of test result including pop) entered at the center during that time frame.
Here's how to double check your numbers if you ever have additional questions with how the numbers are computed in the Actviity statistcs:
For pregnancy tests:
1) Run the Pregnancy Test statistics.
2) Select TestResult for Measure 1.
3) Click Run Report.
In the results, you will can see the Total for all tests and then the totals broken out by each Test Result type (postive, positive (pop), neg..etc..). Notice the Total tests number in that report equals the Total number for the same period in the Client Activity statistics report for pregnancy tests.
You can also double check the other totals in the activity statistics by running the associated statistical report.
Hope that helps. Thanks! |
Joined: 04 Mar 2005 |
Total Posts: 17 |
Re: Client Statistics & Reports Posted: 19 Aug 2005 11:57 AM |
Thanks again. Hopefully you can answer a few more questions for me!
1) In the Statistics reports: There is a "Time" field that only lists one option ("Date of Appointment" or "Date of Visit" etc.) Is it possible to add the option of selecting only one specific month at a time?
2) Also in the Statistics reports: would it be possible to add a 4th search field so we could search by "Status" "Category" "Type" and "Location"?
3) Center Productivity Report: Why is there no Drilldown option with these numbers? Would it be possible to add that option?
4) In the Statistics / Appointments report: If one client was booked for more than one appointment in a month, why is this client not listed for both appointments in this report? According to our numbers, we had 20 client appointments (Show) for July in our Norfolk location, but the report shows only 19. One client should be listed twice because she had 2 appointments (one scheduled, one walk-in) and showed both times. The drilldown for this report lists this client only once and is not an accurate count of our client appointments. This client is listed in the "Appointment Book" for both appointments, which shows a total of 20 client appointments in "Show" status. Can you please explain this problem?
5) In the Statistics / Clients Seen report: Is there a reason why there are only 2 possible measures (other than Demographics) by which to search? Would it be possible to add a measure such as "Category"? Also, it would really help to be able to break that list down into clients that were seen for "class attendance" versus Clients Seen for an "initial visit."
6) In the Statistics / Clients Served report: Why would one client be listed as a "Client Served" when she only attended a class, but no other class attendees are listed in this report? And why would a client that did "Show" for an appointment (follow-up) not be listed in the drilldown as a "Client Served"? Isn't this report supposed to list the total number of clients visits per month, including follow-up visits? Is it also supposed to include class attendance?
[The actual number in the report we pulled is accurate, but (in my opinion) the client list on the drilldown is not correct. It lists one client that should not be there and does not list a client that should be there. In the Client Appointments report, the situation is reversed: the correct client names appear on the drilldown, including the one follow-up client (#353) and excluding the one class attendee (#427).]
7) In the Statistics / Appointments report: Why would a client be listed in the Appointments report as a "Show" status, yet not be listed anywhere on the drilldown in either the Clients Seen or Clients Served reports? Please explain.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.
Re: Client Statistics & Reports Posted: 19 Aug 2005 01:08 PM |
Hi Sheena,
It's quite obvious you are really digging into the statistics. That's great. See my responses below:
1) We Provide a Time field so you know what field we are pulling the date from. Currently the statistics are designed to show total numbers for a year....which can be viewed quarterly, and or for all months. We probably won't be changing this since you can see any specific month you wish.
2) We've considered adding a 4th measure but decided against in since it starts to become really hard to understand the numbers when you get 4 columns deep. It also makes the report quite slow since there can potentially be a lot of data returned in the report. We may consider adding a 4th measure in a future release.
3) The statistics are the only "reports" that support drill down. All reports under the "Reports" tab are designed for "one click" reporting. If you have questions about a the numbers in the Center Productivity report, print it, and then run the associated statistics report. You should get the same numbers, and can also drill-down.
4) The statistics are updated each evening. So they are about 1/2 day behind the real-time numbers. If somebody adds an appointment to the appointment book during the day. It won't show in the stats until the next day. (A process runs early each morning to refresh all the numbers.). I just checked your appointments stats and it does show 20 "show" clients for your norfolk location.
5) Clients Seen does not report duplicate visits for the month. So if a client had 3 visits during july, 1st for preg test, 2nd for materials, and the 3rd for concepts shared, which category do we display? do we take the 1st? 2nd? ....or 3rd...See the problem. The best we can do is show that they came in at least 1 during the month.
6a) Class attendance should be included. This could be a timing problem mentioned in #4 above. Try re-running the report again after the stats process has run. Let me know if the numbers still appear incorrect. If the still appear incorrect, i may need the reports year and month you are referring to so i can debug.
6b) The Clients Served and the Clients Seen stats do not include appointments. The assumption is, if the client came in for a appointment, there should be at least 1 form enterd to record the visit (such as a concepts shared) the client should get counted. I can see where this could be a little confusing (especially if cente's are entering all their forms). We can probably change this going in a future release to include appointments with status of "show"
7) See 6b.
I hope that helps. |
Joined: 04 Mar 2005 |
Total Posts: 17 |
Re: Client Statistics & Reports Posted: 15 Sep 2005 01:32 PM |
Is there any way possible to track a client's changed mind on abortion AFTER follow-up care?
For example: we see Susie Jones, who is initially "abortion-minded," on 8/26. At the end of the session, her counselor makes an assesment that the client is still "abortion-vulnerable/undecided." However, after two weeks the client comes back for a follow-up visit and communicates that she has decided not to abort, but to carry the baby to term. (Or perhaps the client tells her counselor through a phone call).
We wouldn't go back and change the original pregnancy test form, because the changed mind did not happen on that day's visit. Yet we wouldn't start a new pregnancy test form. Where is it that we can track this data to accurately report our "changed mind" numbers -- both changed mind after initial visit and after follow-up?
The same question would apply to any client who, during follow-up care, makes a profession of faith or a spiritual decision, etc., that should be recorded for statistics.
My next question is regarding the reports on Spiritual Activity. The Center Productivity Report shows data on "rededicated life," "profession of faith," etc. But I have not found any way to run a similar "Statistics" report on Spiritual Activity where we have the option to drilldown for a list of clients. Would you please let me know if I'm missing it. If there is no such statistics report, would you please consider adding one?
Thank you,
Sheena |
Re: Client Statistics & Reports Posted: 15 Sep 2005 01:53 PM |
Hi smcadoo,
We are addressing your first 2 questions regrading "changed abortion view" and "spritual status" in the next update of CenterPiece. Today, you have to go back and update the original form. However, in the next version, we are implementing "cases"... where a client file can have 1 or more cases, and each case can have 1 or more forms. In the next version, you will track this information at the case level. So you'll be able to continue to add forms as you normally do today, however, if the client changed her mind at anytime duing her support, you can record the change in the case form.
Spiritual Activity Stats: That information is taken off the initial visit form. Run the initial visit stats to see details regarding "profession of faith" and "rededicated life".
hope that helps. |