09-07-2005 Update Posted: 22 Aug 2005 01:30 AM |
Below is a list of the new enhancements included in this update. This is a fairly significant update and includes a lot of enhancements in both the client and donor modules. We are very excited about this release and hope you are too.
As always, thanks for your feedback, time, patience and support.
See below for details:
-9/6/2005 I added a number of new items that were not originally on the list. All new items are marked in Red-brianp.
Module: All (Client, Donor and Staff)
-Added categories to the File Summary Report (Client/Donor/Staff)
-Added email and phone to all list reports.
-When you open an activity form, the focus is set to the date of visit on all forms.
-9/6/2005: Added HoldMail flag on all files (client, donor, staff). This field can be used in the reports to filter out files where HoldMail is checked in order to exclude filles in mailings.
-9/6/2005: Statistics drill down. Added Email, Salutation, and HoldMail flag to drill down results.
-9/6/2005: Statistics drill down. Added ability to sort columns in drill down results.
-9/6/2005: Statistics drill down. Added paging to drill down results. This makes large pages load much quicker. All pages are included when exporting to word and/or excel.
-9/6/2005: Search. Added ability to sort column headers.
-9/6/2005: Search. The search form now remembers your last search criteria. This is helpful when you are updating many files -- going back and forth between the search results and a file. When you "save and close" a file, you will be return to your last search results.
-9/6/2005: Client/Donors/Staff Files Report. Added the person's Church to the report.
Module: Client
-Initial Visit Form. Added "Shelter" to question #3 - Living Arrangements.
-Pregnancy History. Added estimated outcome date check box next to date of outcome field in the Pregnancy Outcome wizard.
-Pregnancy History. For outcomes of birth, the pregnancy history calulates and displays the age of the child.
-Pregnancy History. Added estimated outcome flag and age to the client File Summary Report.
-Pregnancy Test Form. Added Retest checkbox to the pregnancy test form.
-Pregnancy Test Form. Added Ortho-Evra as an option under bith control.
-9/6/2005: Pregnancy Test Form. Added Undecided and Unknown to Question #6.
-9/6/2005: Pregnancy Test Form. Added Unknown to Questions 7-13.
-STD Form. Added following new test types: 1) Pap Smear, 2) Bacterial Vaginosis, 3) Urinalysis.
-STD Form. Changed test name "Crabs" to "Pubic Lice".
-STD Form. Added the following test result types: 1) Normal/Abnormal, 2) Reactive/Non-Reactive.
- STD Form. Associated the above test result types to the appropriate test for selection during data entry.
-STD Form. Added comment (free text) field.
-Referral Form (New). Added an new client form to track referrals.
-Statistics. Added TestType measure (Initial/Retest) to pregnancy test statistics.
-Statistics. Added Language Spoken measure to all client stats.
-Statistics (New). Added Referral statistics.
-9/6/2005: Statistics (New). Added Closets/Boutiques (Given) Statistics. This stat shows all the items your center have given to clients.
-9/6/2005: Clients Seen Statistics. Now counts Appointments with a status of show.
-9/6/2005: Clients Served Statistics. Now counts Appointments with a status of show.
Module: Donor
-Pledge Form (New). Added the ability to track pledges.
-Pledge. Added pledge reminder report to help you see which donors are past due on their payments.
-9/6/2005: Added Event Sponsers List Report. Use this report for mail merge and mailing labels.
-Donation Form. Added "Payment on Pledge" field to the donation form allowing you to link a donation payment to a pledge.
-9/6/2005: Donation Form. Added ToBePrinted flag to the donation form. This flag is used in the Batch Receipts Report for filtering (see below).
-Batch Receipts Report. Added the ability to save comment "templates". When you run the report, you can now select from a list of templates you've saved versus having to re-type the comment during every report run.
-Batch Receipts Report. Added the ability to filter by event.
-9/6/2005: Batch Receipts Report. Added HoldMail filter.
-9/6/2005: Batch Receipts Report. Added ToBePrinted filter. This filter makes it a lot easier to see donations that have not had receipts printed.
-9/6/2005: Batch Receipts Report. Added the ability to clear ToBePrinted Flag on all donations in the report resultset. Clearing the flag also records the last date and person who printed the Donation Receipt.
-9/6/2005: Batch Receipts Report. Added the following columns to the Mailing Labels list: HomePhone, WorkPhone, CellPhone, Email and HoldMail flag.
-Donations List Report. Added the ability to filter by a date range versus year/month allowing more granular filtering of the report (week/day etc...).
-Events. Added the ability to track a budget and expenses per event.
-Events. Added support to track lists for all types of events including Banquets, Walks, Golf Marathons etc...
Bug Fixes
-Fixed misspelling in Initial Visit stats for "Victim of Abuse".
-Fixed statistics load time. The date/time of the database load status was not updating correctly -- giving the impression the statistics database was out of date. |
Joined: 27 Dec 2004 |
Total Posts: 6 |
Re: Upcoming CenterPiece Update Posted: 22 Aug 2005 02:00 PM |
Hi Brian,
I was still curious if we could get a Closet/Boutique report added. I have several churches that continually ask me how many of each item do we go through in a month. I have no way to give them an accurate number. If Centerpeice could produce a report saying what items go out of our boutique, that would be fantastic.
Thanks so much! |
Joined: 19 Apr 2005 |
Total Posts: 98 |
Re: Upcoming CenterPiece Update Posted: 22 Aug 2005 03:08 PM |
Hi Brian,
I can't wait for the new update! I posted a question in regards to items auctioned at our Banquet and I was wondering if we needed a new category besides Financial and Merchandise on the donations form. At the Banquet, we will receive checks for items auctioned and those monies need to be credited to the Banquet event. However, the purchaser of that item cannot really get a tax benefit from that money because they received something in exchange for the money. should the money we receive for the merchandise be credited to the person/business that donated the merchandise with a value of what it brought in as cash? The value of the merchandise might really be more or less in the public marketplace. I wasn't sure how to enter this into CenterPiece... |
Re: Upcoming CenterPiece Update Posted: 22 Aug 2005 08:19 PM |
Hi htucker,
Yes, we are adding closets/boutigues stats to the next release. i just forgot to add it to the list above. thanks for the reminder! |
Re: Upcoming CenterPiece Update Posted: 22 Aug 2005 08:26 PM |
Hi Donna,
that's a good question. we may need to get additional input from other centers/groups to understand the what is the proper way to handle tracking this type of scenario. i've been in contact with the alternatives group who provides training on fundraising. i'll present the question to them and see what they recommend.
for now though, you may go with your original suggestion...to credit it to the original person/business, so it's recorded as monies recieved for the event.
thanks. |
Joined: 01 Aug 2005 |
Total Posts: 10 |
Re: Upcoming CenterPiece Update Posted: 28 Aug 2005 01:39 PM |
The update sounds great still having fun learning :)
I was wondering on the intial visit form it says their is only one per client. But say the client is married the first visit then comes back in and is now divorces then in say a year she is remarried it is difficult to keep track of that because we can only go by the last known lifestyle.
Is the only way to keep track of that by marking in the notes section?
Also I seem to run into a problem with the drop down box on the inital visit form because people hear of us a few different ways and yet we only get to pick one option there could that become a click box set up instead of a drop down so we could click on the different ways or does that mess with the stats?
Thanks Susan |
Joined: 19 Apr 2005 |
Total Posts: 98 |
Re: Upcoming CenterPiece Update Posted: 30 Aug 2005 02:17 PM |
Hi Brian,
Our accountant would like to know if there is any way to mark donors as "do not send mail" because we have some donors that support a golfer but do not want to be "bothered" with junk mail. |