Joined: 18 May 2005 |
Total Posts: 11 |
Concepts Shared (engaging Literature button) Posted: 16 Aug 2005 03:23 PM |
While entering our clients, I experienced the following problem in reference to the above captioned:
I enter down the "field" on a document and had just entered "Concepts Shared" issues discussed with the client and experienced no prob.
When I pushed button for "literature", the field froze up and I was unable to enter anything. I tried this several times before shutting down the computer, but this did not help.
So... has anyone experienced this problem? Do you see anything that I was doing incorrectly?
Melva Kittrell
Pregnancy Care Medical Center |
Re: Concepts Shared (engaging Literature button) Posted: 16 Aug 2005 05:23 PM |
Hi Melva,
We have a couple of other centers that are having the same problem. This sounds like a bug, but we are problems re-producing it here at ekyros. The more information you can give me on the exact steps you've completed when the screen freezes up the better our chances will be to reproduce the problem here and get it fixed. If you could, please provide a script of the steps you completed including the order of the fields you entered, the values you selected (don't include client name), the button(s) you clicked and any keys you pressed. Thanks!
Here's an example:
Step 1) question 2: clicked on dropdown list. selected Family
Step 2) pressed tab key to move to question 3 down arrow. pressed enter key to display the list
Step 3) used mouse to select the following items from the list: 1)Abstinence, 2) Sexual Integrity
Step 4) used mouse to click the Apply button.
Step 5) used mouse to click down arrow in question #4 to display the Audio list
Step 8.) screen froze up!
Joined: 18 May 2005 |
Total Posts: 11 |
Re: Concepts Shared (engaging Literature button) Posted: 17 Aug 2005 11:24 AM |
Thank you for your response date 8-16-05 @5:23pm. According to your instructions, please see the following steps I followed today and experienced the same problem as described in my initial email to you:
Step 1) Date of Visit box... used my mouse to post correct visit date.
Step 2) question 1...Volunteer box... used my mouse to push drop down box for this field... choose correct volunteer.
Step 3) question 2...used my mouse to push drop down box... chose individual
Step 4) question 3... used mouse to select Gospel, Relationships, Single parenting, Stepping Stones
NOTE: I went back and tried this...
Step A) After completing the above noted Steps 1&2, I saved the info.
Step B) I then went back.. using mouse only(not tab) to enter Steps 3&4.
Step C) question 5... used mouse to select Bible & She Said Yes
Step D) Saved.... Successs!
Of course, it will be better if we did not have to do Step A through D. I know you are working on this. Just let me know when its good.
Melva Kittrell |
Re: Concepts Shared (engaging Literature button) Posted: 18 Aug 2005 11:28 PM |
Hi Melva,
thanks for the detailed information. fyi...we just made a small change to the Concepts form. We are hoping that the change may resolve your issue. Please let us know if the form still randomly freezes up. Thanks! |