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Farmom is not online. Last active: 2/24/2023 1:03:50 PM Farmom
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Posted: 09 Mar 2022 09:31 AM
Is there a way to tag donors that give to a certain project(s) and then filter them out for mailings or reports?
brianp is not online. Last active: 8/31/2024 9:56:30 PM brianp
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Re: Tags
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 09:42 AM
Hello farmom,

Yes, try assigning a category on the donor file. then run the donor file report and filter by 1 or more categories. Hope that helps.

Farmom is not online. Last active: 2/24/2023 1:03:50 PM Farmom
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Re: Tags
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 09:44 AM
Can you apply more than one category to a person?
brianp is not online. Last active: 8/31/2024 9:56:30 PM brianp
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Re: Tags
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 09:46 AM
Yes, you can apply 1 or more categories to a donor file. You can also select 1 or more categories on the report. You can also check the "HoldMail" flag on each donor that you don't want to include in the report. Hope that helps.

Farmom is not online. Last active: 2/24/2023 1:03:50 PM Farmom
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Re: Tags
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 09:53 AM
You would think I would know all the Donor stuff by now but haven't had a use for it until recently.
Thank you, Brian!
Farmom is not online. Last active: 2/24/2023 1:03:50 PM Farmom
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Re: Tags
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 10:12 AM
One last question about categories, or maybe two, is there any way to add a category to a big list of people? Is there a specific place to access categories, or is it just through each donor file to make any changes?
ashleighg is not online. Last active: 9/6/2024 5:21:44 PM ashleighg
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Re: Tags
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 10:19 AM
Hi Farmom,
Thank you for reaching out! If you are tracking donors who are giving to a certain project I recommend using "Event" for things like Banquet, Walk for Life, Baby Bottle, Year End Appeal, etc. If you are wanting to track a donor to group them based not on giving such as "Board Member" "Individual" "Newsletter" "Church" and so on that is a great way to utilize categories.

You can access the master category list by clicking on "Donor" and along the left hand side select "Setup Categories" and this will allow you to add new items. You do need to apply the category at the file level, one by one, meaning you have to go into each record and apply the desired category(s).

What time of category(s) are you trying to apply?

Farmom is not online. Last active: 2/24/2023 1:03:50 PM Farmom
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Re: Tags
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 10:48 AM
Hello Ashleigh!

I use Event for things like memorials, prayers, etc, and then in the comment I put who the memorial is for. We receive a lot of intentions like that. So I can easily filter those out by event.

I want to create them for groups such as specific fundraisers that we have. But not too many categories at this point. One of them has about 1000 names on it. So that is why I ask if there is a way to make this group at one time, instead of one by one. I am not sure if I will make this big event into a category yet though.

I am happy that there is a way!

Thank you Ashleigh and Brian for your quick responses!

brianp is not online. Last active: 8/31/2024 9:56:30 PM brianp
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Re: Tags
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 10:52 AM
At this time there is not way to assign categories to a batch of donors. However, we could do that for you via a Service Request. You would need to provide a list of Donor FIleIDs (in Excel) sheet, and our dev team can apply 1 or more categories to that list. We charge $50/hr for this kind of work. I don't think it would take more than an hour of development. If this is something you want to do, just give us a call to set it up. Our number is at top of web site. Thanks!

Farmom is not online. Last active: 2/24/2023 1:03:50 PM Farmom
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Re: Tags
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 10:53 AM
Thank you Brian, I will think about that!
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