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PamW is not online. Last active: 1/24/2024 2:40:58 PM PamW
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Deposit Report
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 03:04 PM
I am pretty new to eKyros and I've been unable to figure out how to print a batch deposit that shows the various events that are included in the deposit. Almost all of our deposits are designated to Operating. Should I change the designation to our various income categories instead? Thank you.
ashleighg is not online. Last active: 9/13/2024 5:51:58 PM ashleighg
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Re: Deposit Report
Posted: 08 Oct 2019 05:44 PM
Hello PamW,
Thank you for reaching out! You are correct, the Designation is meant to map to your Item List which talks to your Chart of Accounts and translates into your P&L and other QuickBooks reports. If you have all donations going to "Operating" Designation that is where everything will funnel into. If you want to break them up to "Banquet" "Business" "General" etc. then they would funnel out that way. Give your Account Manager a call and she can discuss it in more detail with you.

PamW is not online. Last active: 1/24/2024 2:40:58 PM PamW
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Re: Deposit Report
Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:33 AM
Thank you, Ashleigh! I was thinking I was on the right track and you confirmed it. I appreciate your help.
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