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BekahNPRC is not online. Last active: 3/13/2024 11:38:23 AM BekahNPRC
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Filter Search Results by EGA
Posted: 03 Dec 2018 09:32 AM
Is there a way to search for clients by how many weeks pregnant? Like if we wanted to advertise a class or a service to those in their first trimester, is there a way to filter search results to all clients between 6-14 weeks pregnant?
BekahNPRC is not online. Last active: 3/13/2024 11:38:23 AM BekahNPRC
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Re: Filter Search Results by EGA
Posted: 03 Dec 2018 10:38 AM
That worked. Your response was very helpful, thanks.
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Forums  > CenterPiece Discussions  > Case Management  > Re: Filter Search Results by EGA