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nursenelson is not online. Last active: 6/13/2019 10:49:54 AM nursenelson
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Medical tab
Posted: 28 Aug 2017 08:17 AM
Shouldn't the pregnancy test form be listed under the medical tab? That would put everything in one place for the doc when they go in to read scans.
doloresc is not online. Last active: 10/10/2024 8:00:11 AM doloresc
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Re: Medical tab
Posted: 28 Aug 2017 08:40 AM
Hi nursenelson,

That is a great question! When you open the Medical Tab, you (and DR) will see that the patients birth-date, LMP and due-date which do pull directly from the pregnancy test.
Our new Medical History form is comprised of the medical questions from the previous pregnancy test form, along with some additional ones. Should the DR. wish to see the "social" questions off of the PG. test, he can simply click into the clients file and view it.
I hope that explanation is helpful! Please feel free to contact your designated Account Manager, should you wish to discuss more or turn in any suggestions for future updates.
Thanks for all you do for LIFE and it is a pleasure to serve you!
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