Joined: 16 Sep 2014 |
Total Posts: 12 |
Limited Ultrasound Report and Sonogram Form Posted: 17 Jun 2015 01:51 PM |
Is it possible to add a field for LMP and EGA and EDC based on LMP or have that info pulled from the pregnancy test form into the Sonogram Form and then into the Limited Ultrasound Report Generated by Physician sign off. Right now I'm putting this in the comments section of the Sonogram Form but its tedious to do this on every single ultrasound. Thanks-
Anna Green
PRC Owasso S392 |
Re: Limited Ultrasound Report and Sonogram Form Posted: 17 Jun 2015 04:13 PM |
Hi Anna,
Thank you for taking the time to make some suggestions to help us improve our Limited ultrasound report. I will pass your suggestions on to our development team for consideration.
I believe we are planning on having the LMP pull in (just like you suggested) from the most recent positive pregnancy test to the report within physician review, and then also the final hard copy report. So you will not need to re-enter the information on the sonogram form. Some other additions that are committed to based on nurse and physician feedback are: the ability to add the femur length measurement, and the ability to upload a cine or heart motion clip along with the images. :)
Thanks again Anna for helping us make our product better for all clinics in this ministry!
Kris Paul | |