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brianp is not online. Last active: 12/20/2024 2:47:16 PM brianp
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Joined: 01 Aug 2002
Total Posts: 1248
06-07-2005 Update
Posted: 09 Jun 2005 10:42 AM
On the evening of tuesday 6/7 we released a minor update to CenterPiece that adds support to track Individual Education. We also added some additional small enhancements. See below for the details.

Thanks for all your feedback!

Client Forms
-Individual Education Form (new). You can now track individual education on a per client basis. the form also allows you to track materials such as videos and literature.

Client Office Use Only Form
-Added an Individual Education section. You can also setup the class name, literature and video lists under the setup tab.

Client Statistics
-Added a new measure called "Considering Abortion" to the pregnancy test statistics. This measure allows you to see all pregnancy test clients who are abortion vulnerable and/or abortion minded.
-Class Attendance Statistics (New). You can now run statistics on the number of clients that attended classes at your center. This includes both the individual and group classes.
-Added Staff/Volunteer column to the statistics drilldown for all stats (except Clients Served and Clients Seen).
-Added Location column to the statistics drilldown for all stats.

Added the ability to categorize classes. Use the category field when you run statistics. The categories are located next to the class name in the class list. **NOTE**: be sure assign categories to all your existing classes. Once you do, the next time the statistics are processed, you can use the "Category" measure in the Class Attendance statistics to see totals by category.

Client Reports
-Added location filter to the Client Files, Donor Files, and Staff Files report.
-Added Status filter to the Client Files, Donor Files, and Staff Files report.

Other Client Management Enhancements
-The "Classes" tab under "Client Management" has been renamed to "Group Classes"
-Added the ability to specify "Unknown" to gender of a baby in the pregnancy history wizard.
-Added Status field of Active/InActive to the properties section of the client, donor and staff file. The staff/volunteer list box on all client data entry forms now only displays staff/volunteers with a status of active.

Questions? Comments? Feel free to reply to this post

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