Joined: 18 May 2005 |
Total Posts: 11 |
Complete Vs Incomplete Posted: 26 May 2005 06:53 PM |
Please define the above terms which appear under the following parameters:
*Client Management
*Client File Follow-up
*Report Options
*2005 (my choice)
*Specific Volunteer Name
*Status (choices are "complete" & "incomplete")
We are trying to determine if there is a way to provide follow-up reports for our volunteers with the active clients names only on the report. How does a file get marked "complete" or "incomplete"? I could not find a field in the client data documents where this is directly input.
Thank you for your help.
Melva |
Re: Complete Vs Incomplete Posted: 10 Jul 2005 10:17 AM |
Hello Melva,
Sorry for the delay in responding to this post. See my explanation below:
Follow-up tasks are associated to client files. You can associate multple tasks to a client file. Each follow-up task has a due date and a flag that you can mark complete. You can also assign the task to a staff/volunteer. When your staff/volunteer's login to CenterPIece, they see all the tasks that are assigned to them on the home page (Office tab) under the "My Follow Up" section. Here they can manage the status of each item. Once they complete a task, they can edit the task and mark it's status as "Complete". In order to manage tasks effectively, each staff/volunteer should have a user ID in CenterPiece to manage their own tasks. If this is not an option, then you would need to priint out the follow-up report and give each staff/volunteer their list of incomplete tasks. And it would be your responsibility to update the status of each task as they are completed.
The follow-up task report allows you to run a report for all follow-up. If you wish to see just incomplete tasks, you would need to filter the list by setting the "status" field to "incomplete" in the report options.
I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.