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ccpcbanquet is not online. Last active: 4/26/2016 3:56:59 PM ccpcbanquet
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No emails
Posted: 10 Jun 2014 01:23 PM
I would like to see a separate field for "NO EMAILS" in the donor file. Right now I have to keep a manual list of those donors who do not wish to receive emails.
ashleighg is not online. Last active: 9/13/2024 5:51:58 PM ashleighg
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Re: No emails
Posted: 10 Jun 2014 01:30 PM
Hi Ccpcbanquet,

It would be faster to create a category "Email" and then could easily pull the Donor Files Report by category and only have those who wish to receive email. Versus going through each and everyone. Another option would be to NOT put the email address information into the system, if they don't want to receive email correspondence.

Does that make sense?

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Forums  > CenterPiece Discussions  > Feature Requests  > No emails