Joined: 11 Apr 2011 |
Total Posts: 4 |
Known Issues Posted: 06 Dec 2012 04:40 AM |
All Modules:
• Tab Order – One several forms, you will notice that the tab order won’t work exactly the same way it did in Internet Explorer.
• List View Grids – When sorting a list ascending or descending, you will notice that a small number, either a “5” or “6”, is shown instead of the small up arrow and small down arrow. (This happens on Safari Mac, Google Chrome Mac, and Firefox PC and Mac).
• Downloading Statistics and List Reports to Mac Word – Mac Word doesn’t handle large amounts of data well, when downloading Stats or Lists, it is best to use Mac Excel.
• Exporting Reports to Word for Mac – We are only supporting Mac for Word 2011 or higher. You can download to other versions of Word, but might get errors or strange formatting.
• Training Videos – the videos are currently not working on Firefox browsers.
• QuickBooks Connector – the current QuickBooks Connector is not supported on Mac.
Client Management Reports
• Monthly Client Served by Zip Code report, Center Productivity report, Center Productivity Year End report – when downloading to Word for Mac, the graphs download at 10% their original size. To fix this, click on “Edit” in the menu bar and select “Links”. Highlight all the links by clicking on the first one, holding down the <Shift> key and clicking on the last one. Next click the “Save a picture in document” checkbox at the bottom of the window and select “OK”. The document will reload and the charts will appear. Please note: eKYROS is working with Microsoft to resolve this issue. Early indications are that this is a bug in Mac Word 2011.
Donor Management Reports
• Reports – The “Select A Date” calendar control doesn’t show up in Safari and Chrome browsers. You will have to manually change the date.
QuickBooks Connector
• The QB Connector is not supported on Mac. Posting transactions via the Connector is only supported on QuickBooks for Windows.
• On Windows, you get an error launching the connector from all browsers except IE.