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Delaine is not online. Last active: 11/7/2016 8:03:03 AM Delaine
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combining pledge statements and receipts
Posted: 14 Jun 2011 02:52 PM
Is there a way to combine the receipts with pledge statements. I have many donors call wanting to know how much they owe on their pledge. Also, many don't realize they've made a monthly pledge and we get a random gift here and there. I would like to have a "friendly reminder" included in the receipt that shows the remaining pledge amount.

Sewdabee is not online. Last active: 1/20/2014 9:16:03 AM Sewdabee
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Re: combining pledge statements and receipts
Posted: 15 Nov 2012 01:52 PM
We, too, would love to see this option in our batch receipting. We would also like to change the wording in the return gift stub at the bottom of the batch receipt. Is this possible?
Amyc is not online. Last active: 7/14/2015 3:00:07 PM Amyc
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Re: combining pledge statements and receipts
Posted: 15 Nov 2012 01:55 PM
Hi Delaine and Sewdabee,

Currently, we do not have a way to combine Batch Receipts with Pledge Statements. Our centers who want to send both will typically print both and include 2 pages in the same envelope as the receipts are going out to their donors. Our batch receipt is a preformatted statement, meaning there is not a way to change the wording on it within CenterPiece, however it may be possible to work around this once it is exported to Word. What wording are you wanting to change?



Sewdabee is not online. Last active: 1/20/2014 9:16:03 AM Sewdabee
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Re: combining pledge statements and receipts
Posted: 15 Nov 2012 02:18 PM
Thank you for your quick response, amyc.

We are wanting to change the wording in the stub portion. I have looked through the posts here and see the MSWord find/replace work around, which will work fine for the time being. However, it would be great if there were a way to change the wording on the payment stub within Ekyros, as well as including pledge statements on the receipt.

Thanks for your time!
Amyc is not online. Last active: 7/14/2015 3:00:07 PM Amyc
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Re: combining pledge statements and receipts
Posted: 15 Nov 2012 02:29 PM
Hi Sewdabee,

You are most welcome. Thank you for your feedback!



Delaine is not online. Last active: 11/7/2016 8:03:03 AM Delaine
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Re: combining pledge statements and receipts
Posted: 19 Nov 2012 09:05 AM
I agree that it would be nice to combine.

Since the latest update I can't print the pledge statements. They come up as garbage.
Amyc is not online. Last active: 7/14/2015 3:00:07 PM Amyc
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Re: combining pledge statements and receipts
Posted: 19 Nov 2012 09:06 AM

I'm sorry to hear your pledge statements are not printing the way they should. Do you have time for us to look at this together?



Delaine is not online. Last active: 11/7/2016 8:03:03 AM Delaine
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Re: combining pledge statements and receipts
Posted: 19 Nov 2012 09:11 AM
sure - call me at 850-439-2511
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