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nancyinfairbanks is not online. Last active: 7/25/2011 8:00:30 PM nancyinfairbanks
Joined: 01 Dec 2006
Total Posts: 4
Posted: 25 Jul 2011 07:55 PM
What determines the year the client shows up in state reports?

Ex: I clicked on a client that showed up in a drill down list I pulled from a 2011 Care Net stats report and she had a PT last summer and Ab last September. Why did she show up in the 2011 stats? Does it go by due date?

If so, then do clients in the latter part of each year carry over to the next year's stats? If this is the case I can't believe I've missed this for so long.
Amyc is not online. Last active: 7/14/2015 3:00:07 PM Amyc
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Re: stats
Posted: 26 Jul 2011 09:13 AM
Hi nancyinfairbanks,

Can you give me the question number that you are referencing for the Care Net Report? That will help me determine what information it is pulling.

Thank you!


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