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AllisonS is not online. Last active: 11/20/2015 7:41:52 AM AllisonS
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Inserting Images into Letters
Posted: 10 Jun 2011 09:16 AM
I think your Letter section is wonderful, and it saves me a ton of work with statements and mailings.

I would like to see the ability to insert images into letters, especially scanned signatures. It would save our directors a lot of time if they didn't have to sign each letter individually. I think this would be a great feature for eKyros!
Amyc is not online. Last active: 7/14/2015 3:00:07 PM Amyc
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Re: Inserting Images into Letters
Posted: 10 Jun 2011 10:15 AM

Thank you for the kind words about our letter section. We are looking forward to really beefing up our donor management section this year in a coming release. I will certainly add the ability to insert images into the letters to the list of features you'd like to see coming. Thank you again for your feedback and have a wonderful day!


ashleighg is not online. Last active: 9/6/2024 5:21:44 PM ashleighg
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Re: Inserting Images into Letters
Posted: 25 Jun 2015 12:47 PM
Hi Allison,
Hoping you have seen that you can now insert a logo as well as a signature block to letters, hope this has been helpful to you!

AllisonS is not online. Last active: 11/20/2015 7:41:52 AM AllisonS
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Re: Inserting Images into Letters
Posted: 25 Jun 2015 01:19 PM
I did see that. Good to know! Thank you!
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