Joined: 18 Oct 2007 |
Total Posts: 32 |
Getting started on PlusLink Posted: 01 Jun 2011 11:27 AM |
We have just signed up with PlusLink and I'm going through the process of setting up available timeslots, etc. This is bringing up questions that I didn't think of before. First, is there any way to sync up the scheduler with PlusLink so we don't have to set up the schedule twice, in essence? Also, when we make an appointment on our end, does it show the timeslot as not available to OptionLine? Any help you can give would be helpful. Thanks! |
God Bless,
Sandy <><
Re: Getting started on PlusLink Posted: 01 Jun 2011 11:56 AM |
Hi Sandy,
It's great to hear from you, I hope you had a GREAT Memorial Day weekend. The "timeslots" that you create within the registration area for OptionLine is completely separate from your online scheduler's resources. OptionLine *CANNOT* see your resources and what is already scheduled, they only thing they are able to see is the timeslots you've setup and created within the registration area. This is intentional as each center could, in a sense, have their resources setup differently. Using the timeslots that are specific to OptionLine only, allows them to focus on the abortion minded client calling in, not deciphering resources. I encourage centers to look at your OptionLine timeslots as "walk-ins" which allows you to see the client if scheduled, but still maintain your regular scheduled times.
I would encourage you to download and print the "Office" user guide which walks through the concept of OptionLine as well as all the details in depth. You can find this user guide by logging into CenterPiece, along the top toolbar go to the "Help" tab, along the left hand side click on "Download and Print CenterPiece User Guides" and select "Office Tab User Guide." Also, please don't hesitate in contacting us with any additional questions or further clarification if your questions aren't addressed.
Ashleigh |