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mdasher is not online. Last active: 6/12/2012 12:53:33 PM mdasher
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Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted: 30 Apr 2008 07:52 AM
In all of the drop down lists on all of the reports is there a way to select more than one option?

For example, in the Donation reports if I want to see donations for all the Banquets of each year but nothing else can I like hold down the CTRL key or some other button and select only the Banquet events but nothing else?

This is very important for writing donation letters. I want to be able to send letters to my Cash, Check, EFT, and Credit donors without sending them to the Gift In-Kind donors, but currently can not figure out how to do that except for running 4 different letter merges.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted: 01 May 2008 10:08 AM
Hi mdasher,

In the examples you listed, currently you can only select 1 item at a time. However, you do bring up some very good points and I can completely understand why it would be helpful to select more than 1 item in these drop down lists--especially the "payment type" list as you mentioned. We'll take a look at possibly enhancing this.

Thanks for your feedback!


mdasher is not online. Last active: 6/12/2012 12:53:33 PM mdasher
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Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted: 23 Jul 2008 10:36 AM
We are trying to send brochures to our past walkers and our newsletter recipients without sending duplicates to anyone. If I could select more than one category from the drop down list in the Donor File Report this would be possible. However, since selecting more than one item from report drop down lists is still not an option, I can't see how to do this. What is your suggestion?
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted: 23 Jul 2008 04:27 PM
Hi mdasher,

Yep, I can definitely understand why it would be nice to select more than 1 category at a time. I'll definitely make sure our team gets this feedback for a future enhancement.

For the time being, you might have to do some manual checking to make sure that names aren't duplicated. You can run both lists seperately, export to Excel, and then copy and paste to combine them to the same master list. Then, sort your list by the donor name, and this should make it easier to identify duplicates. I know that's not a perfect solution, but hopefully it's a work-around for the time being.

Thanks for yoru great feedback!!

In Him,


mdasher is not online. Last active: 6/12/2012 12:53:33 PM mdasher
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Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:00 PM
Problem is I need a list not labels. Does Excel do labels?
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:20 PM
From the list that you create in Excel, you can use this list to easily create mailing labels using Mail Merge in Word. We have a step by step user guide on how to do this under the PRC Software tab of this same website, called the CenterPiece MailMerge User Guide. If you need more help on how to do this, just let us know!



mdasher is not online. Last active: 6/12/2012 12:53:33 PM mdasher
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Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted: 13 Jan 2011 09:03 AM
I have been requesting for a couple years now that in Donor Management Reports for all drop down lists that there be a check box so you can select more than just one thing at a time.

You were able to do this for me on the "Batch Receipt" report for "Payment Type." However, it would be so helpful on all the reports drop down lists. For 3 years now, I have been having to run 8 different reports and merge them together and then remove duplicates.

Is there any way to include the drop down check off boxes in the next update coming this month? I would so appreciate it.

christij is not online. Last active: 2/15/2011 6:06:07 PM christij
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Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted: 13 Jan 2011 10:58 AM
Thank you so much for the excellent feedback. I understand your need for a multiple selection of items, like exists in the Payment Type filter. The upcoming release is dedicated to the new Client Scheduler, the New Client 'Quick Form' and the New CareNet Report. I will communicate your request to development and ask for it as a priority. I do want you to know that 2011's release enhancements will focus on Donor Management, and we are implementing a new reporting system. Please feel free to contact me, Christi ext 104, or your account manager, with your feedback or any questions you may have. Thank you again for your inquiry.


Christi J.

mdasher is not online. Last active: 6/12/2012 12:53:33 PM mdasher
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Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted: 02 Aug 2011 12:39 PM
I was wondering if you will be adding this option any time soon. I know that WayCool has this standard in their software and am considering switching to their software since this does not seem to be a priority for eKyros.
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