time line Posted: 23 Aug 2010 08:06 AM |
I client is am or av at last contact on no final assessments entered. Through final followup it is determined that the client gave birht and the birth is entered. Will that change the timeline or do you have to add the final assessment? |
Joined: 01 Mar 2009 |
Total Posts: 69 |
Re: time line Posted: 23 Aug 2010 08:15 AM |
Good Morning Sandi,
Hope you are doing well today, Yes, create a final assessment stating Likely to Carry for Assessment and then Intends to Carry for Client Intentions. Also, you will need to set the outcome on the Case as Birth. Outcome can be found under Case List Tab, "Open" the Case, look to the right and Set Outcome as Birth. Then, as your center is tracking children, you can record the Birth on the Children Tab. Thank you so much, Christij |
Re: time line Posted: 23 Aug 2010 08:50 AM |
So if I enter the birth and not the final assessment, I will not get accurate stats? |
Joined: 01 Mar 2009 |
Total Posts: 69 |
Re: time line Posted: 23 Aug 2010 09:04 AM |
Hi Sandi,
Your statistics will be accurate, if you complete the Final Assessment. In reporting and statistics this will indicate that thru your center support, the client has had a change of mind regarding the pregnancy. Great Job! Also, set the Outcome on the Case as Birth. Cases are very simple, in that, we create a Case, a pregnancy related concern or support cycle, and then we set the Outcome on our Cases. This will the best way to keep your reports and statistics accurate. Thank you again for your time this morning, Christij |
Re: time line Posted: 26 Aug 2010 11:19 AM |
Hi, everyone.
I continue to be troubled by the potential for inaccurate representation that result from the statement "client has had a change of mind" based on our initial assessment of her intentions. Our initial assessment is determined by CareNet guidelines. Even if it is obvious that a client will carry that baby to term, if her situation falls within those guidelines, we are to record our initial assessment as abortion vulnerable. Basing "changed minds" on our initial assessment can result in an inflated number.
The basis should be the client's initial stated intentions, not our assessment of her situation.
God bless you all,
Karole |
Re: time line Posted: 26 Aug 2010 11:24 AM |
I apologize for any misunderstanding, the "Changed Abortion View" measure via Pregnancy Test Statistics compares the initial stated intentions to the last known stated intentions (whether that is stage 2, 3, or 4). I hope this puts your mind at ease. Have a great day!
Ashleigh |
Re: time line Posted: 26 Aug 2010 01:11 PM |
Thanks. I'll be able to sleep tonight. :) |
Re: time line Posted: 27 Aug 2010 08:49 AM |
Me, again. Spoke too soon about that sleep thing.
Which report shows what the client's initial stated intentions were to determine if she actually had a mind change?
1. The Pregnancy Test stat report options do not include "Client's Initial Stated Intentions."
2. Client Case Statistics options do not include "Client's Initial Stated Intentions."
3. The Case Status Report does not include an option for "Client's Initial Stated Intentions."
The only initial anything I've found is the counselor's "initial assessment." Again, that assessment is set by CareNet guidelines and often has nothing to do with the client's initial stated intentions.
Thanks for helping me get this clear in my little brain.
Joined: 01 Mar 2009 |
Total Posts: 69 |
Re: time line Posted: 27 Aug 2010 09:00 AM |
Hi Karole,
Thank you for the question. The client's initial stated intentions, where the client intentions are Abortion or Undecided, and then a change in intention to Intends to Carry after the Pregnancy Test- Stage 2, or after the Sonogram- Stage 3, or after a Final Assessment- Stage 4 will be easily viewed by running the Pregnancy Test Statistics and setting Column 2 to Changed Abortion View. That is all you will need to do. Thank you so much and God Bless you and your center staff.
Christij |
Re: time line Posted: 27 Aug 2010 03:14 PM |
Great. Thanks again. I need to write this down. :)
Karole |