04-07-2005 Update Posted: 07 Apr 2005 03:44 AM |
Here's a list of new enhancements included in the 4/7 update. This was supposed to be a "minor" update, but as you can see from the list below, it turned out to be quite a bit larger that we had planned (that's good for you!). The enhancements listed below were taken from the feedback we recieved in the forums. Thank you for your feedback and support!
For more information about each enhancement, i've included a reference to the original forum post where we received the feedback.
Questions? Comments? please reply directly to this post.
-Added a keywords field. This is a text field to be used for searching for files. (The search screen has been updated to allow you to search for files by keyword.)
view post 481
view post 459
-Added a Originating Location field. For multi-location centers, this field tells you where the file was originally entered. We also performed a data conversion that updated this field to the location of the first activity form assocated to each file (if one exists).
view post 423
Client Forms
-Added a new STD Test Form
-Added a new STD Test Office Form (paper version)
-Updated the Pregnancy Test Form. Added "Unsure" as an option for questions 17, 18, 19
view post 468
-Updated the Office Use Only form. Under the Form Setup tab, added options to display the audio, literature and video lists in the Concepts Shared section of the form.
-Added new Pregnancy Outcome statistics report. This report is based on the "Date of Outcome"
-Added new STD Test statistics report
-Updated the Parenting Decisions statistics report. This report is now based on the "Date of Outcome"
-Added Donation statistics report. (Donor Management)
view post 315
-Statistics Report Options. Added a "Time" dropdown list to display the name of the date field the statistics are based on.
-Updated the Pregnancy Test Followup Report. Added ability to filter by staff/volunteer.
-Added Top Donor report (Donor Management)
view post 477
Productivity/ProductivityYE Report
-Updated the Pregnancy Test Outcomes section to use the new Outcome statistics
-Updated the Parenting Decisions section to use the updated Parenting Decisions statistics
-Added ability to search files by keyword.
-Added Location column to the search results.
-Fixed spelling error on Initial Visit Form
view post 489