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Chris is not online. Last active: 9/3/2009 1:40:27 PM Chris
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Cleints accepting Christ
Posted: 06 Aug 2009 03:59 PM
We found that when a client accepts Christ in 2009, but her initial visit was 2008 her salvation statistic will not show up in 2009. We have 3 clients that are not being pulled in the stats that received Christ in 2009, and we noticed that all three were new clients in 2008. Is this fixable?
brianp is not online. Last active: 9/13/2024 2:23:08 PM brianp
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Re: Cleints accepting Christ
Posted: 06 Aug 2009 04:05 PM
Currently the spiritual stats are based on the date of the case. That's why they are showing up in 2008. We are updating the stats to allow you to pull totals by the date the client accepted Jesus. Just be sure you specify the "Date client accepted Jesus" on the Case form. We are about 2 weeks out from releasing the update.

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