CenterPiece Discussions  > Feature Requests  > Report Options Pregnancy History  
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 Author Thread: Report Options Pregnancy History
kellyt is not online. Last active: 2/15/2009 8:28:20 PM kellyt
Top 100 Poster
Joined: 26 Jan 2009
Total Posts: 6
Report Options Pregnancy History
Posted: 26 Jan 2009 03:27 PM
I would like to see a report that will give us information on the "Pregnancy History" portion of the client files. Right now our center will accept a woman into the program as long as she has a child that is 3 years old or less - whether she is pregnant or not. I am aware that many PRCs operate this way.

We are looking at possibly having to reduce the age to 2 years old or less. Because there are no reports against the whole database that will give us this information, we have no way of knowing how many women this possible change will affect.

I recommend a report be devised that pulls from the age of the children under pregnancy history calculating the age as of the date of the report. I also recommend that the mother be listed as many times as the children she has so that each record displayed is for one child. The report parameters available could allow us to choose the ages to display so the list could be narrowed as needed.

I'm a big believer that if the information is worth putting in, there should be a way to get it back out in a usable format! Thanks much for your time and all your hard work!

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Forums  > CenterPiece Discussions  > Feature Requests  > Report Options Pregnancy History