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waterbury is not online. Last active: 3/19/2008 4:44:19 PM waterbury
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Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted: 09 Oct 2007 10:13 AM
We like to let our donors know how many volunteer hours are worked each month. Is it possible to add a feature that would allow our volunteers to log in and out in order to keep track of this?
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted: 09 Oct 2007 12:39 PM
Hi waterbury,

Thanks for your feedback! We do plan to add an enhancement in the future that will allow you to track volunteers hours. There are a few other enhancements taking priority at this time, but this is something that is definitely on our to-do list. We would love to hear your specific thoughts and ideas on how this should be implemented. :)

Thanks for your time!

Sarah Miller

waterbury is not online. Last active: 3/19/2008 4:44:19 PM waterbury
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Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted: 11 Oct 2007 11:00 AM

After talking with our center director, we thought the best way to track this would be to incorporate it on the "Appointment Book" page. This is one of the first things our volunteers/staff do when they come in and they usually are on this page when they log-off the computer for the day. The key for us is a form or page that everyone looks at consistently. We appreciate you taking time to hear our thoughts!
Cathy Waterbury
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted: 11 Oct 2007 05:02 PM
That's interesting to know, Cathy. We'll keep this in mind. :)



thewarpedwoman is not online. Last active: 8/20/2008 1:50:12 PM thewarpedwoman
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Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted: 06 Jun 2008 03:46 PM
I was also wondering if something could be done about volunteer management. I also thought that something similar to the appointment book would be helpful, and allow for management at a glance as well as quick access to phone number info and so on
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted: 09 Jun 2008 12:32 PM
Thanks again for letting us know your thoughts! We appreciate you taking the time to keep in touch with us.Smiley

Blessings to you!


kellyt is not online. Last active: 2/15/2009 8:28:20 PM kellyt
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Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted: 26 Jan 2009 03:20 PM
My input on this regards how eKyros should implement the volunteer tracking. It is my understanding that most of the PRC's are not giving every single volunteer a userid/login. Most of them are set up that only a few people actually interact with CenterPiece on line and the others are using a printed form to convey the information that is put in the system by data entry people. Keeping that in mind, I would suggest that this be a security feature that only some people have access to, that the premise be that a supervisor of some kind keeps track of the log, and that people with that access have a screen where they enter this information with drop-downs for the start and end hours. I would also like to know if this will have any kind of default that will not allow an entry if the volunteer is not "scheduled" in the appointment book with actual clients? We have many volunteers that perform different duties, not all directly involving client visits. I would want this tracking to be free-standing from the appointment book and not verify back to it.

Thanks for all you do!

sueoc is not online. Last active: 4/16/2014 10:59:09 AM sueoc
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Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted: 14 Jan 2011 09:37 AM
I agree! This would be really valuable!

Together for Life!
ashleighg is not online. Last active: 9/13/2024 5:51:58 PM ashleighg
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Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted: 14 Jan 2011 10:22 AM
Thanks Sue!Smiley I appreciate all your great feedback. This is on our feature request list.
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