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AmyCarr is not online. Last active: 4/16/2009 9:09:40 AM AmyCarr
Joined: 27 Oct 2008
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2nd Address Line Option
Posted: 06 Jan 2009 11:54 AM
We would like to be able to send letters to companies but still use the company title and the person in the address line. For example, my church is Spring Creek Baptist Church and the pastor is Brad Moore. I have one of two options for my mailing label:

Brad Moore
100 Spring Creek Road


Spring Creek Baptist Church
100 Spring Creek Road

I would like to be able to address this as:

Brad Moore
c/o Spring Creek Baptist Church
100 Spring Creek Road

There are actually many times when this would come in handy, including when addressing a letter to a person that heads up an organization or a business owner. It just seems more professional and a little less casual. Could there be an option for a second Dear Line in the future?
tommyt is not online. Last active: 2/27/2009 8:28:32 AM tommyt
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Re: 2nd Address Line Option
Posted: 23 Jan 2009 08:21 AM


Thanks for your post. You can setup the extra line on the address line of the General Tab. Just enter the "c/o Spring Creek Church" above the first line of the address. This will push the address label to use an extra line.

You can also enter specific, custom text that will appear on the Address Labels by entering it into the "Prpoer Name" and "Dear Name" fields in the File Properties section of the General Tab.

I hope this helps. If you need any more assistance, please let us know.

Bless you,

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