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shawnadunn is not online. Last active: 3/9/2009 2:03:38 PM shawnadunn
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Please Help!
Posted: 15 Apr 2008 02:47 PM
Do any of the centers utilizing eKyros software offer ultrasounds to their abortion minded/vulnerable clients? If so, could you please contact me to discuss our center's upcoming decision to consider converting to a medical center offering on-site ultrasound. Thank you for your consideration.
Leighann is not online. Last active: 10/11/2009 6:02:24 PM Leighann
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Re: Please Help!
Posted: 16 Apr 2008 04:33 PM
Hi, there! Our center offers free ultrasounds to abortion minded/vulnerable clients. It is a key tool that is truly indispensible. Of course, converting to a medical clinic has its legalitites and paperwork, but the changeover is so beneficial and completely worth it. Focus on the Family helped out our Pregnancy Resource Center to receive an updated ultrasound machine. If you want to reach at-risk girls, this is the way to go! Counseling is HUGE, loving and honest volunteers are necessary, but seeing the heartbeat of the baby changes the perspective of clients. They can no longer think that the situation isn't real, or that it's "just tissue". Feel free to reply back; I'll be glad to discuss this topic more!
AmyCarr is not online. Last active: 4/16/2009 9:09:40 AM AmyCarr
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Re: Please Help!
Posted: 27 Oct 2008 12:58 PM

We have a medical clinic that is separate completely from our pregnancy care center. We find consistently that women who would otherwise never go near a pregnancy care center will go to our clinic to find answers and receive hope in the process. I'd certainly be willing to discuss this possibility with you.
ABox is not online. Last active: 11/2/2009 12:17:09 PM ABox
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Re: Please Help!
Posted: 12 Nov 2008 02:44 PM
I just read your reply and would be very interested in what you are doing. We have recently converted to medical. Would like to hear about how you run your centers. Thanks
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