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clairbeaverMThpm is not online. Last active: 12/10/2008 2:20:45 PM clairbeaverMThpm
Joined: 11 Sep 2008
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Appointment Book
Posted: 12 Sep 2008 12:36 PM
I would love to see the Appointment book also serve as the phone log. This would allow us to track the effectiveness of the hot-line/receptionist calls. It would need to include who took the call. What time and day the call came in, the intention from phone call i.e. carry, abortion, undecided and also a basis phase that came out of callers mouth (from a drop down screen of options) i.e. abortion, pregnancy test, ultrasound, general question, etc.
tommyt is not online. Last active: 2/27/2009 8:28:32 AM tommyt
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Re: Appointment Book
Posted: 12 Sep 2008 02:17 PM


That's a great idea. For now, you can always use the comments field to enter data like that if it will help you get more information about the call.

Thanks for the post!

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Forums  > CenterPiece Discussions  > Feature Requests  > Appointment Book