Waiting List for Classes Posted: 19 Aug 2008 01:30 PM |
I was wondering if there is a way that the waiting list for classes could be set up to pull into a report for creating mailing labels or even export to excel. We put all interested people on the waiting list and then when class approaches we send out postcards having them call and confirm their attendance. So what are my chances that we can get the waiting list to export? :D
Louise |
Re: Waiting List for Classes Posted: 19 Aug 2008 02:35 PM |
Hi Louise,
Well, at this time you can't export the group class waiting list to do labels or letters. However, that is a great idea for a future enhancement! I''m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. One idea you might try is to use the "categories" (found at the bottom of the General tab in a client file) to mark the people you would like to send this letter to. Then you can use the Client Files Report to do labels, letters, or just to get lists of these people.
Thanks Louise,
Sarah |