Pregnancy Resource Center Discussions  > General Discussions  > ABORTION RECOVERY TRAINING INSTITUTE  
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sharond is not online. Last active: 8/18/2008 9:34:30 AM sharond
Joined: 29 Nov 2006
Total Posts: 11
Posted: 04 Jun 2008 10:09 AM
Good morning,

I do not know if this is something you can provide help with. I am with Piedmont Women's Center in Greenville, South Carolina. We are hosting an Abortion Recovery Training Institute in October 2008 and would like all Pregnancy Care Centers across the nation to be aware of this. Is there any way that an e-mail blast can be sent to all the Centers associated with E-Kyros? Or, maybe this is something you can put on the announcements as centers log-on to E-Kyros so as not to breach the confidentiality of your database. Thank you for your help and consideration in this matter. Sharon Davis
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Forums  > Pregnancy Resource Center Discussions  > General Discussions  > ABORTION RECOVERY TRAINING INSTITUTE