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shawnadunn is not online. Last active: 3/9/2009 2:03:38 PM shawnadunn
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on-site ultrasound
Posted: 28 Mar 2008 12:57 PM

We currently refer our AB minded/vulnerable clients to a prenatal clinic we network with for a free ultrasound to determine viability. Recently a local doctor has offered to serve as a medical director, should our center decide to have our own on-site ultrasound program and he knows other Christians in the medical field trained and willing to perform the ultrasounds in volunteer capacities for us. The annual cost would also be covered by donors who would like to see this come to fruition.

As executive director, I am looking to other centers that have on-site ultrasound to give me feedback regarding the advantages of such a conversion.
tommyt is not online. Last active: 2/27/2009 8:28:32 AM tommyt
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Re: on-site ultrasound
Posted: 23 Jan 2009 07:50 AM


Thanks for your post. I hope you have made progress in your research in moving to on-site ultrasound.

Bless you and keep doing your great work!

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