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Lynda is not online. Last active: 4/12/2010 2:19:46 PM Lynda
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Outcome/Pregnancy Status
Posted: 15 Jan 2008 06:34 PM
We did a pregnancy test and ultrasound on 10/3/07. The original assessment/intent/pregnancy status was AM. The final/exit decision/pregnancy status was AV/still undecided. One week later (10/9) after a follow-up call her decision was adoption. Were we correct to change the case pregnancy status to Adoption?

On 1/14/08 when we saw the above client's sister for counsel only, she told us her sister had actually aborted. Though I hate to do this in this case, do we then change the case pregnancy status to abort when we enter the pregnancy history/outcome? (Am I correct to say the pregnancy history/outcome does not change the case pregnancy status?)

I know this doesn't change the monthly Focus report but doesn't it change the YTD CareNet report? Of course, this matters the most when a client changes from AM to Parent.

Just in case the change in year (2007 to 2008) makes the determination, what if we found out she had aborted in December 2007.

I keep getting confused about the language used: pregnancy status, intent, assessment, outcome.



sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Outcome/Pregnancy Status
Posted: 16 Jan 2008 06:54 PM

Hi Lynda,

This is a great question and one that our team has discussed a lot recently. The Case Pregnancy Status should reflect the most up-to-date known pregnancy intention.....which really can change many times up until the date that the pregnancy outcome actually happens. definition an "Outcome" is what *actually* happens with the pregnancy (NOT what she says that she might do).

All that to say, if this were my client, I would definitely update the Case Pregnancy Status to "Abortion Minded" and set the outcome as "Abortion." This WILL affect your Care Net report because this all occurred in October of 2007. If you don't change the Case Pregnancy Status, this client will still be counted as a "changed mind" which is not accurate.

Hope this helps clarify. Just let us know if you need more help with this. :)


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