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Lynda is not online. Last active: 4/12/2010 2:19:46 PM Lynda
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EWYL Classes Taken
Posted: 28 Nov 2007 07:04 PM
Is there a way to print out a report of the classes taken by each client in our Earn While You Learn Program without going to the client's file? If not, is this a feature that can be added.

sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: EWYL Classes Taken
Posted: 29 Nov 2007 08:43 AM
Hi Lynda,

If you're needing a specific printout for just one client, then yes, the only way to get this is by using the file summary report found in all client files.

You can also use the Class Attendence statistic to get these client lists by drilling down on a specific number. If you need more instruction on how to do this, just let us know.

What would be your ideal report for this need, and how would you use a report like this? Please be as specific as possible, so we can better understand your request. :)

Thanks Lynda!


Lynda is not online. Last active: 4/12/2010 2:19:46 PM Lynda
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Re: EWYL Classes Taken
Posted: 03 Jan 2008 02:40 PM
Happy New Year!

We need a statistical report similar to Concepts Shared (CP/Clients/Stats/Analysis Report ID30) or All Title Literature/Audio (CP/Clients/Stats/Analysis Report ID32) or even like the Closet Boutique report counting items taken.

The stats would come from:
Individual Education
Education Form
Class Name

This report would give us the total number of each class taken in EWYL on a monthly basis and year to date.
For example, some our classes are:
Class 1.1 The First Trimester
Class 7.1 Accidents
Class 5.5 The First Years Last Forever
Class 6.2 Safe and Healthy Environment

This will give us an idea of what classes our clients are choosing.

Thanks. Hope you can help.
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: EWYL Classes Taken
Posted: 03 Jan 2008 03:30 PM

Hi there Lynda!

I think I've got it. If I understand correctly, you would like to have an additional measure on the Class Attendance Stat, called "Class Name" that would pull from the Individual Education form and the Group Classes "Class Name" list, right? If so, we have already been discussing this very topic, and DO plan to add this additional measure into the Class Attendance stat. We do have another major enhancement taking priority right now (QuickBooks Integration), but we will definitely add your request to our list of future enhancements. Hopefully we will be able to get to this in the near future.

As always, thanks for your wonderful feedback and ideas! You're great!


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