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IngridC is not online. Last active: 12/20/2007 9:14:39 PM IngridC
Joined: 03 Jul 2006
Total Posts: 3
Concepts Shared Form
Posted: 17 Dec 2007 09:59 PM
We are undergoing a complete audit, review and revision of our client services and desire to track "differently" in concepts shared. The new concepts we wish to track will be catagorized into the options needed for the Care Net report. We have a long listing of "concepts shared" in our account - much added by well intended individuals but consequently leaving us a listing of concepts we rarely use - and now with the revision only increasing the list that we won't be using.

In the brochure listing of this same form, we have the option to "enable" and "disable", is there any possibility that this could be done for the concepts shared? We will be making the change early in 2008 so it should not affect our Care Net Report.

Thanks for your help!

Ingrid - Care Net of Pierce County
brianp is not online. Last active: 9/19/2024 10:03:06 AM brianp
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Re: Concepts Shared Form
Posted: 17 Dec 2007 10:32 PM
Hi IngridC,

I hope all is going well up in the Great Northwest! Hopefully you didn't get too much flooding/wind damage from the storm that blew through a couple weeks ago. They showed a lot of the damage on the Dallas news and it didn't look good. I just want you to know we've been praying for you all!

Regarding your question. That sounds like a great idea. Thanks for the feedback. I can't commit right now as to when we can add the enhancment but hopefully we can add it soon after the new year.

Blessings and have a very merry Christmas!

IngridC is not online. Last active: 12/20/2007 9:14:39 PM IngridC
Joined: 03 Jul 2006
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Re: Concepts Shared Form
Posted: 20 Dec 2007 09:07 PM
Thank you for your prayers! It was one amazing storm. Here in Pierce County where we are we were affected by wind and rain but not to the degree other areas suffered in Western Washington. It seemed sureal when we watched the news reports of counties so close to us and the damage and loss sustained. Continue in prayer for these families who lost everything. Truly a Katrina experience - yet it is also a blessing to see how neighbor is helping neighbor.

Thank you for considering our request! eKyros is amazing!! We so appreciate how you are willing to work with us and help meet our needs.

May God bless you and your staff, Brian, this Christmas and in the New Year! We are so blessed to be a part of your network of pregnancy centers!

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