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Lynda is not online. Last active: 4/12/2010 2:19:46 PM Lynda
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Case Statistics
Posted: 12 Nov 2007 05:05 PM
Help! When I do my board report, I run the statistics for Gospel Presented, How Heard, Spiritual Status, and Abstinence Status. Where do the numbers come from? It seems that my numbers are lower than the actual people we see. For example, for October the Focus Report (#7) shows we had 78 new and returning clients. The reports I run show 34 for the statistics I run. Shouldn't the statistics be based on the 78 people we saw?


sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Case Statistics
Posted: 12 Nov 2007 06:36 PM
Hi Lynda,

ALL of the stats you listed, except for "How the cleint heard about you," are pulled from the "Case Form." ***A client "Case" is used to track an entire cycle of support, which might include many visits, as you provide the client with ongoing support throughout her pregnancy, post-abortion counseling, etc. The stats that you listed are *not* pulled from the "Case Visit Form" which is used to track each visit that the client made to yoru center. The number 78 that you got for "new and returning clients" is pulled from the "Case Visit Form." Stats that are pulled from your Case Forms, will almost always be less than those pulled from your Case Visit Forms, because you will almost always have more client visits than client cases.

The stat that will give you numbers for "How the client heard about you" is the "Initial Visit Statistic." These numbers are pulled directly from the Initial Visit forms in each client's file.

I hope this will help clarify your questions. Please let us know if you need more help with this!

In Him,


Lynda is not online. Last active: 4/12/2010 2:19:46 PM Lynda
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Re: Case Statistics
Posted: 13 Nov 2007 05:42 PM

I think I'm getting the picture. It makes sense that most of our "cases" come from pregnancy tests since that is what we mostly do.

What I'm most concerned about is that all the good stuff gets counted: spiritual/profession, abstinence, and pregnancy status.

I just need to make sure that if a client makes commits to abstinence during a later visit, i.e., EWYL visit (Individual Education), this is counted. Umm...if the Case Form date doesn't change, will the Abstinence Status printout show the date of the pregnancy test and that counselor rather than the EWYL visit date and counselor where she commited to abstinence?

Also, when you add a case visit from the pull down menu under "Add New", does it matter what order you put them in in? For example:
Add New
Case Visit
Primary Reason for Visit/Individual Education

Add New
Individual Education
Case Visit/Primary Reason/Individual Education


sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Case Statistics
Posted: 14 Nov 2007 08:42 AM
Hi Lynda,

If a client makes a profession of faith, commitment to abstinence, or a change in pregnancy status during a later visit in their case, this definitely can still be tracked. All of the data you listed is found on the Case Form, so you would just need to edit this form with the new information, and make sure to re-save it, to save your changes.

Because all of this data that you listed is on the Case Form, the Case Form Date WILL determine which month these stats get counted in.

About your question re: the order in which you enter files: you can enter these forms in either order that you described. You can enter a Case Visit form by itself, or you can access this form through the shortcut box next to the "date of visit" field found on every activity form. After you have finished this data entry, you can check your work by looking at the "Visits" section of the Cases tab in the client's file. You should see the Date of Visit & Primary Purpose, and right below this you should see the activity forms that you have entered (like Individual Education).

Hope this helps! :)


Lynda is not online. Last active: 4/12/2010 2:19:46 PM Lynda
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Re: Case Statistics
Posted: 14 Nov 2007 08:11 PM
Does this mean that a pregnancy change of mind made January 15, 2008, for a pregnancy test done December 29, 2007 will not show up in the 2008 CareNet Report because it is linked to the Case Form from December 21, 2007?

Or a profession of faith and commitment to abstinence made in EWYL November 12, 2007, from the original Pregnancy Test/Case Form done in May 9, 2006, will not show up in our 2007 reports? And when I print the Focus Report for November 2007, it won't reflect the salvation from November 12 because it was attached to the original Case form in May 2006. This explains the mystery of why these two areas were low.

I would like to suggest that the abstinence commitments and professions of faith be pulled from someplace other than the original Case Form. These should be recorded and reflected for the month and year done in, plus attached to the counselor who facilitated these important commitments.

I can see how the pregnancy status may be a little tougher to work with for the YTD and annual CareNet Report.

Because we don't print our annual reports until March, is it significant enough or would it even be possible to have a category on the annual CareNet report that says:?

Clients Initially Assessed in 2006 as Abortion Minded
How many of these decided to carry to term (in 2007)?

Clients Initially Assessed in 2007 as Abortion Minded
How many of these decided to carry to term (in 2007)

I don't know...I just think it is important to report how many women changed their minds in a year as a result of counseling/ultrasound even if their test was in a previous year!

sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Case Statistics
Posted: 15 Nov 2007 09:12 AM
Hi Lynda,
I totally understand your concerns. This issue is something that our staff has discussed on many occassions. Based on your feedback, we will take a look at this again.

Regarding your question about changing the Care Net report....our goal in providing this report is to give you an *exact* copy of what Care Net requires of your center. Every question on this report is set by Care Net. So, we will be unable to add any questions ourselves, in order to maintain the accuracy of this national report.

Thanks for your time!


Lynda is not online. Last active: 4/12/2010 2:19:46 PM Lynda
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Re: Case Statistics
Posted: 15 Nov 2007 01:41 PM
Thank you. I already knew the answer to the CareNet report, but wanted to try.

For now, to overcome the abstinence and spiritual status, I can do these as specific Activities under Case Visit/Concepts Shared/Trusted Christ, Case Visit/Concepts Shared/Gospel Shared, Case Visit/Concepts Shared/Rededicated Life, and Case Visit/Concepts Shared/Abstinence Commitment. Then change the numbers from your wonderful printed reports for Focus and CareNet. Right? Where do #83 and #86 on the CareNet Report and #24 Focus (How Many Times Shared?) pull from?

Thanks so much for your help!

sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Case Statistics
Posted: 15 Nov 2007 04:18 PM
You're very welcome. :)

Questions #83 on the Care Net report is pulled directly from the Case Form("was the gospel presented?" question), and questions #84 - #86 are also all pulled from the Case Form (spiritual status question). Question #24 on the OU report is pulled from the exact same sources. Hope this helps! :)


brianp is not online. Last active: 9/19/2024 10:03:06 AM brianp
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Re: Case Statistics
Posted: 15 Nov 2007 07:29 PM
Hi Lynda,

We have had many, many discussions about this topic internally. You bring up very valid points. I do recall talking to Kristin at CareNet about this and it was concluded that they are interested in stats for cases created in the year based on the date of the case. However, as these are such critical numbers, I commit to you that we will take a look at this again. We will also contact CareNet and get their feedback/opinion. Thanks!

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