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lonna is not online. Last active: 1/6/2009 2:31:12 PM lonna
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statistics reports
Posted: 18 Apr 2007 12:28 PM
I am trying to do a statistics report for our first month with ekyros. We switched from Caretrac and it’s hard to get what they had on the ekyros reports. I really like the center productivity report and the lay out. Is there a way you could add more options that we could choose to run? This is what we had in our report with Caretrack:

Reason for Visit
Test results (pos or neg)
Initial Intension
Clients Decision
A Christian
Become a Christian
Total Abortions
Bible Given

munchkin is not online. Last active: 8/15/2011 5:01:02 PM munchkin
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Re: statistics reports
Posted: 20 Aug 2007 05:21 PM
Hi Margie :)

Just wondering if there's ever a chance that we will be able to customize our own reports and save them for future log-ins. Every Centre has slightly different reporting procedures, depending on what their boards want to know. I've managed to find, one way or another, just about every stat we need through the statistics reports, but it is a lot of work to keep track of all the details of where each number has to be found...

Hope that makes sense.
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: statistics reports
Posted: 21 Aug 2007 04:40 PM
Hi Munchkin,

I really like that idea. Thanks for your great feedback!

As it is today, to get your customized statistics you will need to run these each individually based on which data you like to keep track of. If you ever need any help with finding specific statistics, just let us know!



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