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mariemccoy is not online. Last active: 5/13/2008 5:31:07 PM mariemccoy
Joined: 29 May 2007
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follow-up as client activity
Posted: 11 Jun 2007 04:11 PM
I have been experimenting with the database. I entered a client visit, assigned a follow-up email to be sent, and marked it as completed. But the email did not show up on the client record as a correspondence. Does each follow-up activity also have to be entered as a correspondence in order for it to be visiible on the record of client activities?
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: follow-up as client activity
Posted: 13 Jun 2007 09:44 AM
Hi Mariemccoy,

Let me give you some detail on tracking follow-ups. When you flag a file for follow-up this can be tracked in 2 separate places.

First, all of your incomplete follow-ups for clients, donors, or staff will display for you on the "Office" tab of CenterPiece under the section marked "My Follow-ups." This tab is the first page you are taken to when you log-in, and it's a one-glance view of all follow-ups you have due. Note: in this section you will only see follow-ups that have been assigned to YOU. For getting lists of follow-ups for other volunteers/staff see the next paragraph.

Second, you can track all client follow-ups through the "Client Follow-up Report" found in the "Reports" section. This report allows you to run lists of follow-ups for specific time frames and specific volunteers. Also note that there is a follow-up report for donors and staff/volunteers so you can track these follow-ups as well. There is no email sent when you flag someone for follow-up, but your follow-ups can be managed in these 2 ways described above.

When you complete a follow-up, you can flag it as complete. When you do this, it will be listed in the "Completed Items" tab of the "Edit Follow-up" section. To view all past follow-ups or future follow-ups, just click on this "Edit Follow-up" button from within the client file. No Correspondence form is entered automatically when your follow-up is completed. This is optional and has to be done manually to track what type of correspondence it was (by phone, email, hospital visit, etc.) and your notes from this.

Hope this helps clarify. Please let us know if you have any more questions on any of this--we'd love to help!

In Him,

Sarah Miller

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